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    His once scrawny arms were now changing at a molecular level, the muscle mass in his body had multiplied by twenty, and he grew another foo tall! His extremely pale skin now covered with a coat of dense brown fur. Cef could feel the sharp pain of his new set of canines pecking through his gum tissue. He was all of a sudden very aware of all the smells of the city, but one smell in particular was much stronger than the rest...
    "Close your legs bitch damn!" He howled at Finland, who was staring at him with her jaw hanging wide open and eyes basically popping out of her head.
    "I can't think straight when the only thing I can sense is the putrid smell of your fishy coochie!! Eat some pineapple or something! Sheit!" Cef was now pawing at his nose, trying as hard as he could to waft the smell away.
    "Hey! YOURE the one who smells like a wet dog!" Finland rebutted, "why didn't you tell me you were a werewolf?" She snapped. Cef was just about to reply when he noticed that during his transformation, he had ripped off all of his clothes and was now bare-ass necked. Luckily, he had so much fur that you could not make out any part of his body other than is head, limbs, and tail.
    As he attempted to cover his um.. uh... furry friend, finland spoke up again, "You should have told me! I'm a furry! This is literally best case scenario for me!" Finland licked her lips and started crawling toward cef and his new buff and hairy body. Even in his more advanced physical form, hild habits die hard, and cef cummed himself uncontrollably.
    "CEF??!" A voice called out. "Cef is that YOU?" Finland stopped unhooking her double A bra and turn red towards the voice. "Go away bitch! He's mine!" She shouted. Cef wiped the cum off his matted fur and looked up,

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