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{Irri's POV}

"Ayy Ciciceroo!!" I groaned as I heard Nightshade yell from the fools room. I was relieved that she was alive, but did she had to get so unbelievably drunk? There was no way I could speak to her seriously until later. She's such an idiot, honestly..

"Ugh. Those two are going to drive the rest of us mad." Veezara growled. He looked at me, then gave me a mischievous grin. "Irri, why don't you take them outside for a bit? It'd clear their senses."

I stared at him for a second, then shook my head. "No way. I am not dealing with those buffoons." I retorted. "Why don't YOU take them? It was your idea after all."

His face went from mischievous to alarmed, and he gave a nervous chuckle. "No no, you know Nightshade better than all of us, I think you should-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Astrid stepped between us. She gave us both a look which made us shut right up. "I have an idea. Why don't you both take them out. That's an order." Now she had the smirk we all hated. Me and Veezara looked at each other, then groaned. We didn't object, as an order from Astrid can't be denied.

"I'll go get them. Wait outside." I said, walking towards the room. It stunk of skooma and mead. I never understood how Nightshade could handle that stuff. Khajiit had some kind of tolerance to it I suppose, but even still. I was even more bewildered that Cicero was getting in on it.

"Irri! So wovely of you to join us!" Nightshade slurred, and I rolled my eyes. I grabbed them both by the arms, and dragged them towards the sanctuary door. Neither of them put up a fight, luckily. I don't want to deal with that.


"Look at me goooo!!!" Nightshade giggled, running around a tree. Cicero was chasing her around, stumbling and giggling. God, this is so stupid. Veezara was looking just as annoyed as I did.

"It's your fault we're out here, you know." I growled, and he gave a low hiss back.

"Whatever. We just need to make sure they don't die." He responded. At least he wasn't denying it, we both knew it was true. The pair was now sitting by the tree, whispering to each other.

"What're you to on about?" I asked, stepping closer. Cicero shook his head at me, giggling.

"Do not worry!! We're speaking in quiet.." he said suddenly loudly, then returning to his whispering. Nightshade seemed to be listening be intently. I felt like they were talking about something I should know, so I did my best to listen. The only words I could catch were 'run' and 'funny'. Not very helpful if you ask me.

Suddenly, the two of them bolted in different directions, catching me and Veezara both off guard. We looked at each other, then tried to located them. Nightshade was running towards Veezara, but I couldn't seem to spot Cicero. I held up my arms defensively, watching for any movement.

While I was focused on watching for Cicero, I hadn't noticed Veezara and Nightshade were gone. I was basically alone, since Cicero hadn't shown up either. Sheeeeit...

Where could they have possibly gone? They're high out of their minds, and Veezara is well trained in defending himself. You'd think they wouldn't have been able to go far, however they were nowhere in sight. I couldn't go back into the sanctuary, Astrid would rip me a new one for having lost all three of them.

I began looking around, listening for the sounds of footsteps or giggles. Then I noticed a trail of footsteps. That's bound to be them. So I began to follow the footsteps, they actually went pretty dang far. How did they go so fast? It was like one minute they were there, the next they were completely gone.

My heart dropped as I noticed smoke rising up ahead. Nightshade was very dependent on her fire spells, if they got attacked she could've tried to use them. As I got closer and closer, that appeared to be the case. I saw Cicero a bit back, face planted in the ground. Looks like he passed out, I'll deal with him later. Nightshade and Veezara were being faced by a bear.

Of COURSE they'd run into a bear. That's just their luck. As I had assumed, Nightshade had accidentally surrounded herself and Veezara with flame. The bear was in the circle with them. I couldn't see much else besides that. I rushed over, pulling out my sword and jumping through the fire, landing on the bears back. Before it could react, I drove my sword into the back of its neck, and after a moment it fell to the ground.

Now to save a stupid rug. I grabbed Nightshade by the hair, yanking her out of the fire. Veezara could probably get out on his own.

"What the fuck Nightshade??" I huffed. "You could've gotten yourself killed you idiot!" She didn't seem to grasp the seriousness of the situation, as she just chuckled a bit at me.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you?" she snickered, stumbling back and leaning against a tree. She looked over at the fire, and sighed. "That was hot."

I facepalmed, and stared into the fire for a moment. Veezara should be out by now. I didn't even really see him when I grabbed Nightshade. We couldn't wait around though. I'd just make up some excuse for Astrid, like he ran off or something.

"Come on Nightshade, get Cicero." I said, walking over to the sleeping clown. "We're going back."

Without another word, Nightshade picked Cicero up with surprising ease, and followed me back to the sanctuary. I'm never babysitting these idiots again.

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