From A Car Crash To A Crush - The Weird Girl

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Chapter Fourteen - 

"Old friends pass away, new ones appear. It is just like the days. An old day passes, a new day arrives. The important thing is to make it meaningful: A meaningful friend-or a meaningful day."

~ Dalai Lama


I finally got myself together by the time the bell was ringing for fourth hour. Thane stood up and held out a hand for me. I sat there looking at it for a couple seconds before I decided to trust him. He had sat there with me crying on his shirt and I still found it hard to trust him. He'd helped me out more times today than I could count. What is wrong with me?

I grabbed my bag and started walking towards my locker. I put my stuff away and started walking towards Mr. Bloom's room for Probability and Statistics class. I walked into class and took a seat in the middle towards the back. I just sat there staring at the front of the class until I saw a girl with purple and blonde hair staring at me.

I just looked up at her and waited for her to say something. She just looked at me with her weird hazel eyes. She obviously wasn't going to say anything.

"Uh, can I help you?"

"Not really. It's just that.. You're in my seat."

"Oh. Do we have assigned seats?"

"Well, no. But that one is mine."

I just laughed at her, and decided to ass, "Nice try bud. I don't think so. You can find another one though."

I went back to staring at the boring white bricks so that she would get the hint that I wasn't moving. She finally sat down in the seat to the right of mine. I could still feel her creepy hazel eyes on the side of my face and it was starting to creep me out. 

"Do you have a problem?"

"No. Why would I have a problem? I just met you."

"Well, when creepy girls stare at me, I usually assume that they either have a problem or need to be punched in the face. Which is it?" Okay, I know that was a little harsh, but the girl was starting to piss me off. Who just stares at someone for that long?

She just looked at me like a deer in the headlights. Before I could really decide what to think of it she started stuttering out apologies.

"I didn't mean to creep you.. you out.. I just. Well. I thought maybe you needed a friend.. Or something like that. You know. I'm new here.. This school is so weird. I went to a school where there were like 600 hundred kids in just my grade.. But there's only like 600 in this whole high school..."

Now it was my turn to stare at her. What. The. Hell. Is. This. Mess.

"I mean, this school is nice and all. I'm rambling now. I'm sorry. I'm not really good at this.. Shit."

I just laughed and decided to give her a shot. "It's fine. my name is Morgan. Think you can stop rambling long enough to tell me yours?"

She just looked relieved. I think she thought I was going to ignore her or something, which was a very good possability.

"Yeah. It's Phoebe," her hazel eyes almost seemed to light up as she was telling me her name.

Until that moment, I had never actually met anyone named Phoebe. I mean, there was Phoebe from the show FRIENDS, but that was a TV show.

While I was having my little epiphany, she managed to ask me another questions that through me off.

"So are we friends?" She seemed so eager.

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