From A Car Crash To A Crush - Phoebe

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"That's, P, as in Phoebe, H, as in heobe, O as in oebe, E, as in ebe, B, as in bebe, and E as in...Ello there mate!"

~ Phoebe Buffay, Friends

I walked back to my locker to get my drawing book for study hall. Since I had skipped yesterday I wasn't for sure what I was expected to do, so I figured I would just draw some doodles for the rest of the hour. Our class was a split class because lunch was in between. It occurred to me that I had no idea what I was going to do during lunch since I had already eaten. Thankfully no one else was at our lockers when I got there. I got my book and was closing the door when I saw a note had fallen when opened it up. I picked it up and saw it was from Mrs. Franklin. "If you have nothing to do during lunch today you can always stay in my classroom," Signed Mrs. F. There was a reason she was my favorite teacher.

I made my way to Mr. Jones' class for study hall. I had really lucked out with having him as a teacher. He pretty much didn't care what you did in class as long as you weren't too loud and stayed in the classroom. I got in there and saw that the class was pretty much full of sophomores and juniors. I picked a seat in the back of the room and got out my pencil bag to get my pens to begin drawing.

I never really had a plan when I first started drawing it usually just appeared in my mind and I drew it. There was no planning involved. I started by drawing a tree, because trees are my favorite to draw. I made it with a strong wide trunk and a couple bulky branches, but for the most part it looked dainty. I looked to see what colors of pens I had and decided to go with a spring color scheme. I made the leaves bright green and added some flower blosoms. On one of the gnarled bulky brances I decided to draw a swing attatched.

It was a simple plank of wood with some ropes, but it reminded me of the one Hunter and I used to swing on when we were at his house. He used to push me as hard as he could trying to scare me but it never worked. I started drawing the body of a girl, but right then I saw out of the corner of my eye the familiar look of Phoebe's shoes. I could tell that she was trying to see what I was drawing.

"You know, you could just ASK to see what I was doing instead of just trying to look," I said as I continued to draw the shirt that the girl on the swing was weaing. I finished drawing that to finally look up at Phoebe. "What are you doing in this class?"

"Um, I am in this class. You would've known that if you had come to class yesterday like the rest of us."

"Yeah. Whatever," as I took a second to look back at what I had drawn. The three looked great and so did the sky and grass. The only thing that wasn't done was the girls face. I stared at it for a few seconds trying to figure out who I had drawn in the picture. Was it me? I don't think so. It didn't really look that much like me. I decided that it looked kind of cool to leave it blank until I could decide who the drawing was supposed to be in the first place.

"So what are you gonna do in this class?" I decided to ask Phoebe.

"I was going to do some work for Prob and Stats."

"He didn't assign us anything."

"I know. But I wanted to get a head start. He posts all of the work online every week."


We sat there in an awkward silence for a little bit. The class continued to fill up until the bell rang. The next twenty minutes of class went by pretty quickly. I drew another two more pages worth of stuff and was in the middle of drawing a dream catcher when the bell rang. I got up and grabbed my purse before Phoebe could ask any more questions.

Thankfully Mrs. Franklin's room was pretty close and I was able to sneak in before I had a tag along. She was sitting there eating some Roman Noodles and playing a game on her phone when I walked in.

"I'm glad you got my note. I sent a freshman to put it in there and you never know with them. You're always welcome to come in here if you want to, Morgan."

"Thanks. I haven't quite figured out what I'm going to do during lunch yet."

"If you want you can help me with the school store. I am always needing someone to help me organize the merchandise and do inventory." 

"That wouldn't be that bad. I wouldn't mind do that. Would you mind if I ate in there?"

"Nope," she said as she slurped up the last of her noodles and tossed the cup in the trash. "I actually have to go make some copies, so if I am not back when the bell rings just close my door, okay?"

"Yeah, sure."

I pulled out my iPod to listen to it for a little bit. She had a couch in the back of her room so I went back there and laid down. I didn't make it through the first song before I had fallen asleep.

I woke up to the sound of the bell twenty-five minutes later saying that lunch was over. I grabbed my bag and closed her door. Everyone else was still back in the commons so I figured I would be the first one back in the classroom. I made it almost all of the way there before I saw those shoes again outside of the room. Phoebe was sitting on the ground looking at her phone when I walked up to her.

It didn't last too long, but I felt sorta bad. She obviously had no where to go and no one to talk to. We just stood there not saying anything until Mr. Jones came back to unlock the classroom.

The rest of the day basically went by in a blur and I was sitting in my seventh hour English class watching the clock. The teacher was new and she seemed pretty relaxed, which I was thankful for. I was ready to get out of this building already. I could hear Cody Wright who was unfortunately in my class in the back of the room talking to some girl trying to get her to go out with him on Saturday night, and thankfully the bell rang before I could hear if she was dumb enough to say yes. He was one of those guys that could sweet talk a girl into anything and it made me want to throw up. I was so ready to get home and take a nap. I didn't realize how exhausting school was going to be. Unfortunatly I had a long hallway and a double set of stairs between me and my locker.

By the time I finally made it there everyone but Thane had already left out of our row, which I was glad for. I decided it was best not to talk to him after I spent a good deal of third hour crying on him. All of a sudden I felt him pull something out of my pocket and realized he was typing on my phone. He handed it back to me and I saw he had put my number in it.

"In case you ever need me," he said as he shut his locked and walked away, not saying another word.


Apologies for dropping off of Wattpad. I had really lost my faith in this story, but I had a few people begging to update, so here it is.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2013 ⏰

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