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  Voldemort knocked quietly on the door. When he found no answer, he slowly opened the door and saw a still asleep Harry. The Dark Lord made his way next to Harry gently shook him awake.

Harry stirred but didn't wake up completely.

"Harry, child, wake up. It's time for dinner," Voldemort informs the half-sleep, half-awake boy.

Harry's eyes slowly fluttered open and his mouth opened to let out a yawn. "What time is it?"

"Almost eight. It's time for dinner," Voldemort repeats again.

Harry glared at the older man. "I don't have any clothes,."

Voldemort took out his wand and gave it a wave. Harry's clothes had transfigured themselves into Slytherin robes. "Now, let's go."

Harry just nodded and as he crawled out of the bed, he let out a hiss. Voldemort just smirked and led the boy out of the room.

Both men made it to the formal dining room and Harry noticed that it was filled with Death Eaters. There were three empty seats. The head, right of the head, and in between Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy. Harry took notice of Draco Malfoy when he rushed down the steps and took his seat between Lucius and Narcissa.

Voldemort guided Harry over to the table and pointed at the chair on his right. Harry nodded and lowered himself onto the seat, but hissed when his bottom made contact with the hard chairs. All the Death Eaters knew why, of course, having heard the spanking while it was going on.

When Voldemort took his seat, food magically appeared in front of everyone, but Harry noticed that he had more vegetables than anyone else. With a wave of Voldemort's hand, everyone started eating and talking to each other. Harry noticed that all of the Death Eaters were having normal conversations with their peers and laughing. How can people so evil be so normal?

"Harry, eat your food," Harry hears someone say.

The boy who lived turned around and realized that it was Voldemort, his kidnapper who said that. Harry nodded and reached for his fork before he stopped. Harry Potter, what are you doing? He kidnapped you and now your just going to do as he says. What if this food is poisoned? Then you'll die just because you were so stupid and non-Gryfinndorish.

But Harry, if you don't listen, he could spank you again. What fun is it sitting on a sore bottom that has been spanked twice!

Harry bloody Potter, son of Lily Evans and James Potter, is not scared of a fucking spanking!

Harry pushed the plate off the table, stood up, kicked his chair, making it fall with a thud, and went to try to walk away.

Voldemort got up abruptly and grabbed Harry's arm. "While you're on your way out, go to your room, and find yourself a corner."

Harry rolled his eyes and instead of doing as he was told, he went straight to the Dark Lord's study. He started looking through all drawers for his wand, but it was not there. Harry began to throw everything out of the drawers. If he couldn't find his wand, he couldn't escape.

"What in Salazar Slytherin's name do you think you're doing?" Voldemort growls and Harry suddenly loses all courage.

Come on, Harry. You defeated him when you were one. You can do it again.

"You fucking kidnapped me!" Harry yells with all of his courage and anger coming back.

"I've treated you better in the past 11 hours than Dumbledore has since you were 11. Tell me this, when I turned you over my knee and spanked your bottom like the naughty child you are, did you feel like you were in danger? Did you feel like you had to protect yourself or anyone else? Did you feel like the entire world was on your shoulders?" Voldemort argued taking a couple steps closer to the boy.

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