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Harry was completely confused. He had been kidnapped by the Dark Lord yet no one had hurt him. No one had even attempted to hurt him.

It was summer and Hermione, Ron, and himself were supposed to meet at the Order of the Phoneix meeting. Unknowingly, Voldemort had been waiting until he came outside to grab him and take him back to the Riddle Manor.

Now, just because no one was hurting him, Harry didn't feel safe enough to trust them. They were the bad guys. Voldemort himself had killed his parents and had been trying to kill him since he was nearly a baby.

"The Dark Lord asked if you were done with your assignment sheet," Harry heard a voice call from behind him.

Harry didn't even turn around. Of course, he wasn't done with his assignment sheet. If he was being honest, he hadn't even started. "Almost," Harry lied.

"Very well, when you finish, let one of us know," The unknown person commanded not unkindly.

Harry just nodded and went back to his thoughts. The order meeting wasn't for another two days, so did anyone even realize that he was missing? If so, did they know where he was?

Harry pushed his History of Magic book away from him, not wanting to do any work. He was supposed to be getting ready to fight evil yet he was sitting there studying his books for the enemy. Harry groaned and put his head down on the desk.

"Harry," another voice called out startling Harry awake. Harry slowly turned around knowing whose voice just called his name. It was Voldemort.

"What could you possibly want?" Harry snaps harshly. This man had killed everyone important in his life.

"Almost two hours ago, you informed one of my Death Eaters that you are almost done with your summer sheet. Now, that is two hours later, I want to check over it." Voldemort replied, ignoring the disrespect in Harry's voice.

Harry chuckled. "You, The Dark Lord, wants to check over my school work,"

Voldemort justs groans. "Harry, give me the assignment. I do not have time for these games."

"You bastard. You kidnap me and force me to stay in this room," Harry raged. The boy who lived didn't have his wand to cast some kind of curse at the older man so he grabbed the first thing he could put his hands on, which was his History of Magic book, and threw it straight at the Dark Lord's head.

Voldemort easily deflected the book with a flick of his wrist. "You know what, I'm tired of this. You want to act like a child, fine. I'll treat you like one."

Voldemort strode over to the chair in front of the desk, sat down, then pulled Harry over his knee.

"What? Let me up!" Harry yells struggling.

"You've been very naughty, Harry, and I for one am tired of it. You have been nothing less than disrespectful to every single person in this house and it is time you are held accountable for your actions." Voldemort explains using a sticking charm to keep Harry's hands behind his back.

Harry began to kick causing Voldemort to trap both Harrys' legs under one of his legs.

"You can either take your punishment like a good boy and this can end faster or you can fight me and your punishment be longer," Voldemort informs the boy while reaching under him to unbutton his pants.

"I'm not going to just take a spanking from you. I've done nothing wrong!" Harry yells.

"Very well," Voldemort agrees before bring his hand hard down on Harry's upturned bottom. Unable to keep it from slipping through his lips, Harry let out a yelp.

Kidnapped but loved.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora