Change (Michael Langdon)

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(credit to that one tumblr writer, got this concept from them)

I sighed and looked down at Michael. He was sleeping on his back. I sat up and pulled my legs close to my chest. I played with his long hair and stared at his peaceful sleeping face. Michael has changed and it's obvious. I miss him. He's there yes but I miss him. I miss the old him. The old Michael who always has that soft smile on his face. The old Michael who always has that innocent look on him. The new Michael is different. Yes he's still Michael

but he's not my Mikey. I understand why he had to change and I'm okay with that. Well not really. Deep down I feel guilty that I miss the old him. I sighed and walked towards the mirror. I saw tears falling down my cheeks. "Darling?" I heard Michael asked. I turned my head to see him reaching my empty spot. He opened his eyes sleepily. "I'm here." I said. Michael turned his head from my side of the bed to me. "Oh, hey." He groggily said and placed his head on his pillow, back to his original sleeping position. I brushed my hair and went to the bathroom to start my day.

I ran the shower and stared at the floor. My mind started to wonder if this new Michael loves me the way his old self did. Apart from the way his face looks when he's asleep nothing is the same. I walked out from the shower and looked at the bed. Michael wasn't there. I got dressed up and grabbed my Novel and continue reading. I was so deep into the book that I didn't realise that someone had opened the door. I felt someone tugged at my dress. I put my book aside and looked down. It was Michael.

Michael with short hair.

"Y/n/n."  He said then smiled. My heart broke. It makes me miss him. "Michael?" I asked. This is not the same Michael that I woke up to this morning. I can feel it but I need reassurance. "No, muffin! It's Mikey to you." He said and chuckled. It was the same shy boy that I fell in love with. Tears streamed down my cheeks. I cupped his face and he leaned into my touch.

"M-Mikey?" I said. He nodded and smiled. "W-wha-how?" I chocked out. He slowly moved from his knees to sit next to me on the bed. "The new Michael is not stupid you know. He knows that you miss me." He said. "H-he does?" I asked. I felt terrible. "I never meant to make him feel like I don't love him." I whispered. It was mikey's turn to cup my face. He shush me and pecked my lips. "It's okay. He knows that you love him. It's that he knows that you think he doesn't care about you. He does." Mikey said. "I miss you." I said with tears in my eyes. "I miss the way you smile, the way you laugh, the way everything amaze you, I miss those lights that I see when I look into your eyes." I said. I sobbed and pulled him close to my chest. "I miss your curly fries hair." I joked. "I know. I miss you too." He replied. "Michael divided me and him. The old Michael and the new one. I'm still in there you know?" He said.

"I'm buried in there. We're the same person. I'm still him and he's still me." Mikey added. I nodded and sadly smiled.

-time skip-

It's been three days. I've been spending those three days with Mikey. "Mikey can i ask you something?" I said. Mikey nodded and sat next to me. "Yes, muffin?" He asked. "do you think the new you still loves me?" I asked. This question has been  on my mind since I realized that Michael was changing.

"Of course! Why do you think he don't?" Mikey carefully asked.

"I-I don't know Mike. He isn't like you. He doesn't talk to me much, he doesn't spend time with me much, we're like strangers." I admitted. It's the truth and honestly it hurts. "Of course I love you."  A voice said. I turned my head towards the door in shock.I turned back to where Mikey previously sat. Nobody was there. I frowned. "he's gone" I simply stated. I tried to hide the disappointment but obviously failed. "He's me. Y/n he's just an illusion. I on the other hand is real." Michael stated. "I know." Michael made his way towards me and sat next to me.

I was right. We were practically strangers. There was a long pause of awkward silence. "What happened to us?" Michael softly asked. "I don't know." 

"You're not leaving me are you?" you frowned at the question. "You promised." You could hear the desperation in his voice. You stayed silent.

 "I'd love you forever, M."

"You will?"

"Yes and that's the problem."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2020 ⏰

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