"What ?"-I asked in barely above a whisper

"I-I just can't do this anymore"-Yn shook her head 

"No .. NO ! "-I growled and punhed a hole in the wall 

"Chresanto please stop"-Yn said terrified 

"Baby please"-I said and cried 

"I can't deal with the hurt and pain you have caused me Chresanto. Honestly, I have had enough "-Yn said 

"I'm sorry for all I have done but please I don't want us to end . I mean you are holding our baby right now"-I said 


Fast forward to a month later 

Yn's P.O.V 

At the Doctors

"Miss Yn ?"-The doc asked 

"Here"-I raised my hand

"Follow me"-The doc said as I followed him to his room 

"So I'm guessing that you are here for your check up ?"-The doc asked

"Yes"-I nodded 

"Okay, now before I get to the actual work, I wanna know if you've been stressing since you were pregnant or haven't been doing safe things, eating correctly etc .."-The doc asked

"I have been doing everything right"-I lied

"Great ! Now come and lay on the bed for me"-The doc said 

"Sure"-I climbed onto the bed 

"Would you just lift up your shirt for me ?"-The doc said 

"Alright"-I sighed and lifted up my shirt

"As you know from the last time, the gel will feel cool and cold on your stomach so yeah"-The doc said as he placed the cold gel on my stomach 

"Yeah"-I moved at little at the discomfort

The doc furrowed his eyebrows after 5 mins of looking around, he looked on the screen as he shifted around my stomach and sighed before coming to a stop.

"Umm, is there a problem doc ?"-I asked and shifted around a little 

"There seems to be a problem Miss Yn.."-The doc trailed off

"Which is ?"-I asked 

"I can't the baby's heartbeat and the baby isn't responsive"-The doc looked back at the screen and at me

"W-w-what ? Is my baby dead ?"-I asked tears filling my eyes 

"I'm afraid but yes Miss Yn"-The doc said 

I was speechless. I was crying yet there was no sound coming out. My baby had died. 

A few hours later 

I woke up in a hospital later and saw that my stomach wasn't as big as it was and I was sore. I saw Chresanto sitting down next to my bed with his head in his hands.

"Chresanto ? Why are you here ? Why am I here ?"-I asked 

"I heard what happened... You lost the baby. You're here because they took the baby out and I'm here because I care for you"-Chresanto said 

"Oh"-I sighed as I remember the moment I was told that I lost the baby 

"Yeah. It was all my fault that you lost our baby "-Chresanto shook his head 

"I wanna go home"-I said 

"You'll be released tomorrow morning"-Chresanto said 

"Whatever"-I looked off to the side 

"I said that I was sorry Yn"-Chresanto stood up from his seat 

"I know that you fucked her Chresanto"-I was till looking off to the side and Chresanto stayed sient for a while

"N-no I didn't"-Chresanto lied

"Why you stuttering ? It don't matter now anyways. We aren't together & I lost my baby. Keri & Ari are the only people that I have right now"-I said 

"It was a mistake "-Chresanto said

"Whatever thats what you say everytime you fuck up and I was tired of your bullshit. Thats how I lost our son"-I blurted out 

"Son ? We were gonna have a son ?"-Chresanto asked 

"Yes . Were"-I puter emphasis on 'were'

"Damn"-Chresanto said 

"I think that it was time that you left"-I said 

"What ?"-Chresanto asked 

"You heard me"-I said looking out the window 

"But I -"-I cut Chresanto off

"Go Chresanto"-I glared at him and he left in silence

In Love With My Kidnapper . (A Mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now