"You're putting all the blame on my daughter Hana. We are late because you can't decide what to wear.. my poor innocent daughter didn't do anything," Rumaan said making face kissing his daughter's cheeks.

"Accha... Your poor innocent daughter ruined my first dress which I brought to wear in muneeb's wedding spilling all the milk on my dress" hana said rolling her eyes.

"It's not her fault, you...."

"Guys stop it... It's my wedding" I cut Rumaan off.

"Opss.. sorry yaar" Rumaan apologize with a smile.

We talked for sometime after that few girls bring kinza to the stage and I sat beside her. I look at her and she was looking down on her hands. She's really looking beautiful.


I knock on my bedroom door and heard my brother laughing.


"Nothing... I was amazed to see you knocking on your own bedroom door" he said still chuckling.

"Cause there is a girl inside my room, bhai," I said in obvious rolling my eyes.

"And that girl is your wife, muneeb," he said as the matter of fact as well.

"So you don't have to knock, especially on your wedding night... cause she's already waiting for you..be nice with her " With that Nabeel bhai walked away, finally. Taking a deep breath I opened the door.

A flower fragrance and beautifully decorated bedroom welcome me. I was surprised and for a second thought it's not my bedroom but then seeing a fragile figure on my bed makes me realise that this was my room and today was my wedding and this was my first wedding night and there seated my wife.

I closed the door and slowly walked toward my bed. Her face was covered with a large veil.

I was feeling strange and new. Ignoring everything I sat beside her.

"Uh.. assalamualaikum?" I don't know what to say so I greeted her.

"Wa..wal..wall.Kum assa..lam" she replied with a stuttered and nervous voice.

"Relax kinza," I said trying to calm her.
She didn't say anything. Her face still covered. why she still had her face cover? I thought

She's waiting for you to uncover her face. My subconscious replied and I mentally smack my head.

I slowly crawl toward her and lifted her veil. I stiffened for second seeing her face. She looks so beautiful. Her eyes were on her hands. She was still shaking and that makes her look even more alluring.

"Uh.. you look beautiful" I compliment. Nabeel bhai told me to compliment my wife and I did. Even though she really looks beautiful but I couldn't bring myself to think about her like that so I go with my brother's instructions.

"Tha... thank you," she said without looking at me "you...you also look beautiful" she murmured. Trying to return my compliment. But that made me chuckled.

"I thought I'm handsome," I said and saw her already pink cheeks turned even bright colour.

"Um..this for you" after some time I said. And give her, her wedding gift. she took that small box and open it.  Her face breaks into a wide smile seeing a beautiful diamond ring.

"This is beautiful," she said her voice still barely came out.

"I think you should change now.. then we will sleep," I said as politely and soft as I could. And stood up from the bed.

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