STORY time!

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Sooooo Aesthetic-bunny  did announcements for me because She was worried about me so, here's a little story

Me and chai were playing roblox, everything was doing great! But then I heard a BOOM outside so when I looked through the window, i just saw a crazy man yelling out at our house as my mom came in, telling me to close the window, I was very confused and scared about what's happening so my dad just walked out of the house with a gun, he approached the crazy guy and told him to leave but he refused as I slowly peek through the window, trying to listen to them but I heard the crazy guy said something to my dad as I slowly become scared , the words that I never wanna hear about... he wanted to kill us and sorry for not telling you this Aesthetic-bunny because it makes me feel bad soooo.. my dad started to fight him as he dropped his gun cause he doesn't want to hurt him, I was scared if the crazy guy was winning but they are still fighting after a while.... my dad beat him up already as he call the call the cops, I was very relief that my dad had almost hurt himself. I was gonna go check on him but my brothers won't let me out cause the police will arrive. I was about to cry to see my dad a wound on his leg. I feel so worried about him. My mom was waiting outside for the cops... I started to question myself of why is the crazy guy wanted to hurt us? I have many questions for myself. But meanwhile the cops came in and arrested the crazy guy. I hope they'll figure out why does he want from us....

What do you think of my story? Don't worry, I'm alright and my dad and mom are going to the hospital leaving me and my brothers in this house, we locked the doors and windows to make sure we're safe.

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