Chapter 10

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I start untie to ribbon and pull off the bow. I open the box and my mouth literately drops. He got me...

Before me there was just a normal wrapped gift, but when I opened it my breath hitched in my throat. I sat on the couch in shock. In the tiny little box was the necklace. The necklace I saw in the window, while shopping with the boys two days ago. There was also a small bracelet that matched with a little piece of paper with the prettiest font I have ever seen. It read

It wasn't her beauty or things that made her special,
It was letting others other see the real her,
Fighting to see who would actually make the effort to break down her walls,
And hold her close, being the shoulder she could cry on.

I read the note and I swear I haven't been breathing for the past minute or two. I let a tear escape, with a smile plastered on my face, and turned to Aiden, "How did you know," I say above a whisper with my lips trembling, waiting to start crying. He smiles when he sees another tear drop fall, "I saw you looking at it a couple of days ago and if I remember correctly, it fit the same description of the one your mom used to have." I nod and he asks, "Do you like it?" I shake my head and he frowns, "I love it." I pull him into a hug and let a few of the tears drop falling on his shirt.


"Hey do you still have egg nog?" I shout from the hall and Aiden yells back, "Yeah it's in the fridge." I walk into the kitchen and grab three mug and some cinnamon from in the cabinet. I open the fridge and pull out the egg nog and milk. I hear Aiden shout, "Hey, can you make some for me and Maddy?" I let out a chuckle already knowing he would ask. He does this all the time and then uses Maddy because he knows I'd make her it if she asked.

I pour some egg nog into all three cups. I grab the milk and pour a little bit in one of the cups. Aiden likes his not too strong but not to light either. I pick up the cinnamon and dash some on the top. I grab three spoons and head back to the living room. I hand them over their drinks and Aiden starts to ask, "Did you-" I cut him off, "Yes, I did" "But did you-"

"Yes I did. You ask that one more time and I might just dump it down your throat to prove I did." He puts his hands up in a sheesh notion. I roll my eyes, "Trev how long does it take to get The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause to start playing? I'm growing old here." He turns around and scrunches his nose in anger, "I'm done. Okay we were having some technical difficulties. Take a chill pill, C."


I turn to Emmett and whisper over Aiden, "How is it that every time we're the only ones up?" He laughs, "I don't know. I guess our dear friends don't have the attention span or just need to get their minimum of 10 hours of sleep a day." I shrug, "I don't know." He yawns, "I'm gonna call it a night though. Goodnight." "Emmett, can you pass me the remote, before you fall asleep? I don't want to go to sleep just yet." He nods then tosses it over. Within five minutes he's song asleep with everyone else.


I watched about half of Elf, before I had to pee. I have Ella leaning on me and Aiden using my thighs as a pillow, so I have no clue how I'm gonna do this. Also know as, I don't know how to get Aiden off me without waking him. I'm not to worried about Ella, she's a pretty deep sleeper so I don't think she'll wake up if I move. Aiden on the other hand will wake up if I move just the slightest bit. I gently shake Aiden's shoulders, before I hear him mumble, "What?"

"I really have to pee and you're on me." His eyes open and he sits up and stretches while I stand up and walk towards the bathroom.


I open the door and find Aiden waiting for me. I step out expecting him to go in to go pee or something but he just grabs my hand and leads me up the stairs into his room, "Aiden what are you doing?" He opens the his window facing the street, "We're gonna sit outside and look at the stars." I look over to the clock, "So we're going to go and sit outside on your roof at 12:37 in the morning?" He nods and pulls me out the window along with a blanket.

As soon as my skin hits the cold air I start to shiver. Aiden wraps the blanket around me and himself. We lay back and start staring at the stars. I know this is insane but the stars and the moon just look so pretty. I'm mesmerized by the beauty surrounding me, in the winters night sky. "Let's take a picture?" I nod and he grabs the Polaroid camera from inside his room. He comes out and we turn around and snap the picture with the stars in the back. He puts the camera back inside and we lied back down and wrapped ourselves in the blanket looking at the stars.

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