Chapter 58

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Claire's POV

Today's been good. No great. Aiden took me out of town for a drive and then we went bowling and well I think I had one of the best days of my life. I laughed and had fun. I didn't think about all the horrible things that happened years ago. I feel like I've finally moved on. Aiden makes me feel like I can finally move on. Laugh about all the memories.
"We're here sweetheart and right in time for the dinner your father probably planned apparently." Aiden mutters with disdain. He grimaces, but still helps me out and walks me to the door.
"I had a great time... Who would've thought you would've been the most romantic? You're amazing, you know that?" I grin up at him. Man I love him, but I'd never tell him it so soon.
"Nothing amazing in this relationship, but you. It's all you, baby." He kisses me on my lips and when he pulls away he leans his forehead against mine. "You're the only thing perfect right here, right now..." I close my eyes and lean up to kiss him.
Our lips are about to reach, but my front door is pulled open and Joseph's gruff voice asks, "What is going on here," with much hostility. I lean back and shift so I'm looking at him. He's leaning against the door frame looking at me with a pissed off face. I whisper, "Thank you I had a great time. Goodnight." I lean up and kiss his cheek, sliding away and into the door. He flashes me a smile before he takes a few steps back. When Joseph starts to close the door Aiden's grinning like an idiot.
"I forbid you to go out with him, to see him. I won't allow it, Claire. He's bad news and I won't have anyone living under my roof having some kind of relationship with him. I let you be friends with him because I figured that wasn't much, but you cannot date him. You live under my roof, you live under my rules." His voice is stern and I know he won't let up on this grudge.
"Fine, I guess I'm moving out. It's legal. I'm 18 and you can't keep telling me what to do and control my life. I'm sick of it. Everything has to go your way and you know what, I'm done. I'm done with all of this." I throw my hands up in the air while I huff all this out.
"I'll be gone by midnight." I murmur while walking up the stairs. I'm halfway up the stairs before he shouts, "Where the hell do you think you're going to go? How are you going to survive?"
I scoff, "See you know nothing about me. If you knew me you'd know that I have savings. I worked my ass off for them. You'd know that I never celebrate my birthday because I always think of mom and Jackson. You would know that I don't have to worry about money. I could've left when I was 16 and had a stable living situation because I've been working since I was 12." He looks shocked by all of this. "So you really know nothing about me. Like I don't like tomatoes, but will eat ketchup. Or that I can't pick a favorite food. You know none of this."
I run up the stairs and slam my door shut. I pull out my suitcases and stuff them with clothes. I look over to see Aiden picking up his phone and telling me to answer. I grab my phone off of my bed and hit answer, "Baby, what's wrong?"
"I can't do this anymore, Aiden." I look over at him through the window, "I can't do it. I can't stay in this house. I'm leaving." I state. I grab my large duffel and put any books or anything I'd need. I throw my chargers and laptop in and anything that I don't feel like purchasing again.
"Claire where are you going to go?" I walk into the bathroom and grab my brush and shampoo, throwing it in a bag, then walking back into my room to throw it in the duffel. I left my bag in Aiden's truck so I don't have to worry about lugging it out.
"Claire? Baby please answer me." Aiden begs through the phone. I throw a couple of my favorite shoes in the duffel and then I hear Aiden, "Claire, please look at me?" I sigh and look up out the window and to his bedroom.
"I'm gonna go stay in a motel or something or maybe go crash with Ella and Noah till I can get an apartment till I go off to college." I roll up my blanket and place it in the duffel.
"No you're not. You're staying here with me and my mom and Madison. I'm going to go tell my mom while you finish your packing and then we're bring it here."
"That's final." He sharply says. I know it's not arguable so I don't even try. I just whisper, "Okay."

"I'll pay rent or something. It's what I would've payed if I were to stay in a motel or something." I insist. Emily shakes her head and pulls me into a hug, "No you will not. Claire you're already family and I'd never let you stay in some shabby hotel when my home is always open. I can't accept money and I won't."
"Please let me pay for something? I would feel bad if you let me stay here without anything in return. Let me pay for something. I could do the grocery shopping and cook dinners or something. You're always exhausted when you get off of work and when you have a free night you can't go out because you're tending to Maddie and Aiden."
"Claire I feel like it would be too much. You already do me a favor by watching Madison."
"Emily it's nothing plus what happened to Joey? You haven't had any time to go on any more dates have you? You haven't called him back either and I can guarantee that he's feeling like you never want to go on another date with him."
"Mom who is Joey?" Aiden pipes into the conversation. This is the first we've heard from him since we entered the house. Oh shit I don't think Emily told Aiden and Maddie about the guy she was seeing. Shit I might have blew that.
"That's not important right now. You know what it's a school night. Let's just sleep on all of this, but Emily I can guarantee I'll find a way to repay you. I will repay you somehow..."
I grab onto Aiden's arm and drag him through the house. He tries to pull back so he can finish the conversation he tried to start. I just drag him a little harder and pull him into his room. I walk into his room and grab my shirt and walk to his bathroom to change. I come out and Aiden's already lying in bed in just his boxers. I climb into the bed and slide under the sheets. Aiden pulls me into his side, locking his arm around my waist, in a steel grip.
"Goodnight, baby girl..."
"Goodnight, Aiden..."

There's only 4 more chapters left till the ending of this book. I will be updating twice tomorrow. Another on Wednesday. And the final chapter on Thursday. After that I will be brainstorming the sequel, but, like I said, you don't have to read it unless you want to know what happens after.

Oh and if you guys want any of the chapters in Aiden's POV that was in Claire's let me know and I'll see if I can write it in his POV.

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