Kenny x Red (Headcanons)

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Because most of the ship names where Red is involved is stupid (except Revin, course. They perfect, lmao-), I am not putting it up here. So, yeah. Hope you like the few headcanons I have for these two.

Also, first two are by my bestie, svckerbby-- !


- Red's parents don't really approve of their relationship. It's mostly her father though as he is worried that Kenny won't be able to provide well for her due to being poor. And thus, it leads to constant arguments between the two which Red is tired of.

- For their first time, Kenny is actually very gentle and cautious because he loves her that much and never wants to hurt her.

 -And he gets emotional whenever he finds out they're gonna have a kid. Like, the first time they found out he almost cried and would like, do cheesy shit like make sure she has lots of pillows and making sure she eats healthy.

-Make-out. Make-out. MAKE-OUT. It's all this couple does and does best. They are also hella handsy with one another. They can barely be separated from one another.

-Kenny's the only guy Red has allowed to top her. (A bit raunchy I know but whatever~)

-When they aren't making out and are actually calm, Red likes to just lean on Kenny and rest her head on top of his shoulder.

-Their signature pose in pictures is that tongue through the "V" thing.

-Red's very happy at the fact she gets to try out make-up, hairstyles and even outfits on Kenny. She treats him like a model.

-After Red is done putting on lipstick on Kenny, Kenny always marks and kisses her on the cheek. Well, he used to, now he kisses her at random places each time to surprise her.

-These two love to switch it up on who wears the tux and who wears the dress.

-Red loves it the most when Kenny's hair is long.

-Karen loves it when Red visits her and Red absolutely adores the little one. Though Kenny gets jealous when Karen steals Red away from him.

-Kenny goes all out on cheering for his girl whenever she has a volleyball game. And always treats her out for her favorite ice cream whether the team had won or lost.

-Kenny loves to ride on Red's motorcycle standing up which just makes her drive slowly whenever he does it.

-Both of them are willing to beat someone who hurt the other. In example, when Kenny gets made fun of by Cartman, Red beats his ass without hesitation.

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