Chapter 2

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"What the hell did you do to Ava?!" I yelled out as I placed Johnny carefully on the floor and rushed over to her, pushing my way through the men. I could hear slightly hushed voices behind me as I grabbed Ava from the man's arms and carried her into the living room, resting her on the couch. Honestly I was quite shocked to find my friend, almost like a sister unconscious in some strangers arms.

When I turned to face the strangers I was met with quite a scene. Johnny was chasing the pink haired man down the hallway and almost out of the apartment. I nearly laughed until I saw a pair of dark grey, nearly ash colored eyes staring at me. There was a heaviness to them, bouts of shock, anger, fear, but what was most shocking, love.

"The spirit has decided that Noi must die." One of the horned men stated in an almost angry tone. I stared at the dark haired man in both shock and confusion.

"Um, no. I think that Johnny's pissed at him for almost stabbing him in the eye with a finger. He's usually a very nice cat, but he doesn't like being poked at." I said, scratching the back of my neck nervously.

"Noi, die in silence!" A darker male with deep blue horns ordered to the now screaming pink haired male, who I now assume is Noi. "The last thing we need you to do is alert the nearby humans."

"Are we really gonna let Noi die? I mean, I'm all for it" A white haired man asked, tilting his head slightly towards the darker one.

"That spirit seems pretty harmless, but don't tell Noi." He answered while, who I assume to be the leader, shook his head behind the white haired male. Noi started screaming even louder about 'this being the end' followed by cries. He laughed darkly at the sound of his fellow Daemos's cries of fear of the small, now pissed tuxedo cat.

"His humongous suffering brings me joy."

'Damn alright..........Kinda creepy not gonna lie,'


'God, you too?'

"Enough, scout out the area." The black haired male ordered the others, and made me freeze in my tracks.

"Wait a minute! You are not scouting out anything, until I find out who the hell you are!" I snapped slightly annoyed at the large, and rather rude group.

"You do not remember us?" The darker male asked, looking at me in shock.

"Should I know you? I mean all that I know about you guys is that you are incredibly good at cosplaying, very rude, and that he most likely has a stick up his ass," I answered pointing to the black haired male with my thumb. I heard a faint growl come from him as the white haired male in front of me laughed at his anger.

"Apologies, My name is Rhys, this is Leif, Prince Asch, Peirce, and Noi is the one screaming." Rhys said, introducing me to the group. Strangely the names felt familiar, at least Rhys and Asch did, but the others, not so much. Suddenly Lief and Rhys walked away towards one of the bathrooms, leaving me with Asch and Peirce.

"This is-"

"IT'S GONNA KILL US!" Lief shouted from the bathroom, which was promptly followed by a rather 'girly' scream. I couldn't tell who's scream it was.

'What the hell..?'

"Their trained warriors, I trust that they won't get themselves killed." Asch said with a slight shake of his head as he glanced slightly in the direction of the other daemos.

'Sure they are princey. I could probably take them out with my hands tied behind my back.'

Peirce let out a small 'hm' before Asch decided to enter Ava's room. I stared at them as they walked into her room and seemed to completely ignore my presence. Staring at them in disbelief I shook my head and walked towards my room.

"Don't you dare break anything! If you do, Ava's gonna kill me! And stay out of my room!" I called out and slammed the door shut.

A huff escaped from my lips as I fell backwards onto my bed, enjoying the soft blankets that laid on top of it. Something about that black haired man, or demon-like creature, seemed familiar. I closed my eyes to try and get a few moments of quiet, but was quickly interrupted by a very loud, and familiar high pitched scream.

I groaned to myself as I rolled off my bed and threw the door open in anger. In the corner of my eye I saw Lief run into the kitchen. Stomping in anger I followed the white haired man into the kitchen to be greeted by quite a sight. All five men had weapons drawn while facing a terrified, frying pan wielding Ava.

"Back off or I will heckin' scream," Ava 'threatened' the men while backed up into the corner.

"That wouldn't be the first time I made a human woman scream." Lief purred as he spun a dagger in his hand. I stared at him in disbelief before walking past him, smacking the back of his hand as I passed him.

"Ava, they seem pretty harmless. Just a bunch of dudes who think they are demons." I said sliding up onto the counter next to her, my hands grabbing for the metal pan in her hands.

"Hey! We are not harmless! We are vicious daemos!" Noi chirped from behind Rhys. I couldn't help but stare at the pink haired boy. 'What the hell is a daemos?' Turning back to Ava talking about the boys just being a dream, I was cut off by the dark blue horned man.

"She must have the ability to foresee us coming, Humans in this world are powerful." He talked, mostly to himself, out loud.

"What the hell are you guys talking about?"

"Please, we mean you no harm,"

"I thought we meant all the harm."

"Asch isn't here."

"Please, we need help and-"

"I saw you do magic, power, stuff! Are you the devil's servants?"

"The devil?"

"Big bad dude who rules over hell and demons." I finally spoke already tired of this conversion happening in front of me. I couldn't help but sense a strange aura around the boys. Part of me felt like I knew, or met them once. Especially Rhys and the other one they called Asch.

"She means a demon." Rhys answered Lief, ignoring my response.


"Here me out, we come with peaceful intent to-"

"I've uncovered it!" A voice said from Ava's room. My eyes immediately went towards Ava's door where Asch walked out very slowly. "The source of her power!"

"Oh no." 

Leviathan .:Asch X Reader:.जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें