Chapter 1

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"Y/n!? Y/n!? Y/n! Get your as-booty up!" A loud voice screamed, cutting me out of my once peaceful sleep. A groan escaped from my mouth as I felt the bed shake and then a quick push on my back. Then not even a second later landing on the cold hard wood floor below me. I looked up with a glare as Ava stood on my bed. "Alright, you've been in bed longer than I have, which is pretty impressive, but that's not the point! I know your still mourning your stupid looking ex-boyfriend, but you need to get up now!"

I rolled my eyes as I simply turned over onto my side and grabbed one of the blankets that fell onto the floor. With a quick flick of my hand the blanket was softly floating on top of me. I was about to fall asleep again when I felt hands grip my ankles and start to pull me.

Ava only made it a few feet before she stopped, huffing as she continued to try and pull me out of the room. "Fine!" She spat and let go of my foot, letting it fall to the ground as a small smirk appeared on my face for my small victory.

"Give me five minutes and I'll be right out," I said, waving my hand sleepily as I pulled my foot back underneath the blanket. She huffed angrily and stomped out of the room. I waited a few minutes before pulling myself up from my small blanket pile on the floor. Throwing the fallen blankets back onto the bed, I shuffled over to the closet and pulled out some leggings and a sweatshirt. I walked out of the room and into the kitchen. As I walked in Ava was pulling the trash bags out of the cans and putting new ones in.

"Finally! Could you possibly start with lunch while I bring the trash down?" She asked as she finished replacing the new bags and picked up the old ones.

"Sure," I said, opening up the fridge once I got into the Kitchen. It was almost sad with the amount of food in the fridge, it was practically empty. There was a half full carton of milk, a small jug of orange juice, two boxes of leftover pizza, some berries, and then some eggs and butter. "Ava, we don't have anything in the fridge. We need to get some more food. All we have is leftover pizza." I said, pulling out the two boxes of cold pizza.

There was a near quiet meow followed by a small tapping on my ankle. Looking down I saw a familiar black and white feline staring back up at me expectantly.

"Hey, Johnny, look I know you're probably hungry, but I really don't want to feed you pizza." I said petting the top of his head. The bi-colored feline narrowed his eyes at me as his tail began to lash back and forth angrily. "Fine, if you get sick then it's your fault Johnny." I stood up and grabbed one of the smaller slices to put into his dish. It was hard enough trying to carry a slice of pizza without dropping anything. But Johnny did not help at all by weaving in between my legs and in front of me. I won't lie there were a couple of f-bombs and shits in my words as I tried to not trip over the cat.

1:43, where the hell was Ava? It's been nearly 10 minutes since she left to throw out the trash and she was nowhere to be seen. I had already eaten my slices of pizza, while hers was sitting in the microwave. Everything was quiet, way too quiet in the apartment. Sitting up from my spot on the couch I glanced around the space looking for any signs of both Ava, and the now missing cat. "Johnny, where did you go kitty?" I called out for the cat, only to once again be met with silence.

The silence didn't last forever as the apartment doors were thrown open, causing me to jump up. Moving from my spot on the couch I marched over towards the door and surprisingly saw Johnny. "Johnny! Where the hell did you go? What would have Ava said if she saw you outside? Huh?" I scolded the cat, but was instead met with large round eyes staring up at me expectantly. He stared at me for a second before turning his head towards the door, and boy was I surprised by the scene in front of me.

5 men stood there looking at me all in complete shock, while two held faint traces of recognition. All of them were dressed up in what seemed to be medieval demons. It was quite a sight.

The one closest to me was dressed in what looked to be a black suit, and a fiery red sash around his waist. One arm was covered in the black material and what looks to be metal armor, while his other arm was open with a tattoo on his shoulder, a gold arm band slightly above his elbow and some bandages around his wrist.

Just behind him on his right was a tan 'demon with black hair and deep blue horns and eyes. He had on a long, quite beautiful, sleeveless blue coat. Two dark brown arm wraps went from his hands to just below his elbow.

To the other side of the tall dark haired male, was a pale man with two smaller orange horns and eyes, with slightly messy almost pink hair. He was dressed in a dark blue sleeveless shirt, with a black one underneath, and two golden colored fingerless gloves. A small white tie was also wrapped around his waist.

Behind the dark blue horned male, was a slightly tanned, white haired man with teal colored eyes. He had a well made black armor set on with hints of green, and a golden colored rope tied around his waist.

Finally there was a tall tan male with long black hair, lighter blue horns and soft blue eyes. He was wearing a black and blue almost jacket cover and a black tank top-like shirt. That's when I realized that he was holding a very unconscious Ava in his arms. 


EDIT: A/n: I've decided to create a discord server for anyone who wants to join. Upon joining you can decide if you want to get alerts the moment chapters come out, give me suggestions for the story, but also send in requests! (I am planning on starting a one-shot book soon!) You can find the link in my bio under the 'website' section or in the comments of this chapter. 

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