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I woke up to the smell of pancakes and bacon. Groggily I rolled from my side onto my back, rubbing my eyes while I got my bearings. Kane's side of the bed was still warm to the touch, telling me that it hadn't been long since he'd left the bed. Before I could climb out of bed, the door opened and Kane waltzed in carrying a tray piled high with pancakes, and bacon. "Good morning," he smiled at me as he brought the tray to me. He settled it on the bed, being careful not to spill.

"This looks delicious," I said, smiling at him despite myself. Grabbing the fork I dug into the blueberry pancakes, taking a bite of the fluffy goodness that was dripping in real maple syrup and melted butter. "Mmm," I moaned at the flavour. Next I went for the coffee. Taking a sip I was content with the flavour; he must have been paying attention to how I took it, the French vanilla creamer to coffee ratio was perfect. And bacon was bacon. It was always good. Kane watched in silence as I ate. It didn't take me long to finish my breakfast.

"You didn't drink your orange juice," he commented.

"I don't like orange juice," I said unapologetically, shrugging my shoulders. His brows furrowed for a moment before nodding.


"Only cloudy." He nodded before taking the tray and setting it on the bench at the foot of the bed.

"Date day has begun," he said with a mischievous grin. I groaned internally. "You look like a girl who likes a good riddle," he mused. Oh goodness. I hated riddles. I was horrible at them. Taking out an envelope he handed it to me. "See you soon," he whispered before disappearing out of the room, taking the dirty dishes with him.

Sighing reluctantly I opened the envelop.

I'll tell you my namesake doesn't make me small or feeble

Or maybe you think of me by the name my sow calls me

My name in England makes more sense than what my American name means

Conquer or defeat, we all still get credit.

My dear mate,

Solve the riddle before 10am and meet me where it takes you.

Your Alpha

I read and reread the riddle, unable to crack it instantly. Looking at the clock I saw it wasn't even 8 in the morning. I had some time. Hopping out of bed I repeated the now memorised riddle in my head. Walking into the shower I focused on the second to last line. English is English, but there are words that are different.

"Boot. Trunk," I mused to myself as I wet my hair under the water. "Cookie. Biscuit." I added shampoo to my hair, digging my nails into my scalp. "Chips. Crisps." Rinsing my hair I continued my list. "Flat. Apartment. Loo. Restroom." None of these words made any sense with the riddle. "Football. Soccer." My eyes snapped open as I was rinsing conditioner out of my hair. It has something to do with soccer. That made sense with the last part too. Participation trophies. Okay. But what in God's name is a sow? I wracked my brain trying to remember anything I ever learned from the human high school/homeschool teacher my parents forced me to have in an attempt to educate me beyond wolf history. Stepping out of the shower I continued my analysis of the poem. Who plays soccer here? I hadn't gotten a tour of the territory yet so I didn't know. Where do they even play soccer here?

A sow is a female bear! What your sow calls you. Cub. Pup. It's the pup soccer match! The clock in the bedroom read 8:30. I quickly brushed my hair, thanking the goddess that it was easily manageable and didn't take much effort. Once my hair was acceptable I went into the closet, pulling out a pair of pale blue shorts and a red tank top. Grabbing a pair of converse I ran out of the suite, in search of Kaylee, hoping she was in one of the common areas because I still didn't know where her and Michael lived. The pack house was full of people busily carrying on with their lives. "Averie!" I heard Kaylee shout my name as I passed one of the kitchens.

Dangerous Prophecies: Destined Series Book 1Where stories live. Discover now