Aric glared at the dean the entire gathering as boys took turns telling their backstories going around the circle.

One boy, Jach, a thick bulbous boy, spoke of how he'd been a thief since he was ten and had attempted to steal gold from the Foxwood bank. He'd been caught. Jimmy and Malik had been caught conspiring to start an uprising against the Royal guard of Foxwood while Kei's "rock-like" behavior was his reason for being there.

But when it came down to the twins' turn to speak, they said nothing and Dean Burnhilde didn't push them.

Then, it was Aric's turn to speak.

"I killed a bunch of pets and burnt down a house," Aric said flat out as if he were boasting about a great accomplishment.

The other boys looked fearful at Aric's words while Dean Burnhilde only frowned in disapproval. Kei and Rhian had equally skeptical looks on their faces as if they didn't believe Aric's story at all. Aric's attention landed on Japeth sitting across from him and watched as the copper haired boy adjusted himself in his seat before his icy blue gaze flickered upwards to lock onto Aric's violet orbs.

Something flashed in Japeth's gaze, a mischievous glint of some sort, before it vanished as quickly as it'd appeared.

In that circle, Aric found himself studying Japeth across from him as if Japeth was like a subject he couldn't tear his gaze away from. Japeth's complexion was ashy white, like his skin were sucked of blood, and his copper hair was more rugged and longer than Rhian's. But the most fascinating thing about Japeth was his eyes. They were a deep light blue like a clear sky after a rainy day.

Aric wondered what Japeth's story was. Had Japeth's parents really died, leaving him and Rhian as orphans? Or was there another reason as to why the twins were in Arbed House?

To Aric, Japeth was a walking mystery yet to be solved, a distraction from the boredom Aric knew he would soon endure in Arbed House. To Aric, Japeth seemed to quiet and reserved to do anything that might get him stuck in Arbed. Japeth seemed too good to be in this dreadful Arbed House.

Indeed, during Aric's first week at Arbed House, Japeth had done no wrong. Jach had stolen items from Burnhilde's office, Jimmy and Malik has graffitied the walls, and another boy, Caine, had been busted for trying to run away.

As far as Aric could tell, Japeth mostly stayed by Rhian's side while Rhian and his friend, Kei, would pretend to be Camelot knights protecting the king.

It was at supper that Aric would sit alone observing Japeth. No matter how hard he tried, Aric couldn't quench his curiosity for some reason as he watched Japeth pick at his beef stew like it were poison.

"Hey, you wanna come sit with us?" A voice asked Aric and the raven haired boy spun around in his seat to find Jach standing behind him, gaze downcast.

"I'd rather not, especially with the likes of you," Aric sneered, putting on his best scowl in order to ward Jach away. Not that he needed to try too hard. Jach and the other boys of Arbed were already terrified of Aric after they'd heard what he'd said at the Circle.

Still, the harshness of Aric's words left the desired affect. Jach cringed away from Aric's withering glare and backed away like a scared child.

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