𝘍𝘪𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘋𝘢𝘺

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Y/L/N - your last name :)


Japan ; 19 August ; Saiki

The class was all a-buzz, throwing theories back and forth over what the new student would be like. I heard a few people talking about how they hope she is up to their beauty standards. I never understood the concept of beauty though. The only reason we have a set idea of thin, blonde women with decently proportioned breasts and rear is because that's all that gets shoved down your throat.

That's not all there is though. Y/N, she isn't particularly thin, and her hair is H/C, but I wouldn't say she isn't beautiful. Again, beauty is an idea and isn't defined by only looks. I wish I could get that across to majority of the boys here, but it would change the timeline too much.

Kaido's mind, not surprisingly, was the busiest. Normally his is only slightly faster than normal, presumably because of his suppressed anxiety, but today it was going almost too fast to follow. His mind was desperately grasping at ideas of who the new student could be. His favorite was her being sent by Dark Reunion to distract him from their over-arching (over-complicated might I add) plan to destroy the world. However, that isn't the craziest theory I've heard yet.

"Alright, everyone, settle down please."

The teacher's overly cheerful voice silenced everyone's talking as they rushed to take a seat. I definitely didn't purposefully make the kid who normally sits next to me want to sit on the opposite side of the classroom today in hopes of the teacher placing Y/N next to me.

Why would I do this, you may ask? Well, I want to make her welcoming as comfortable as possible is all.

"As you've all heard, we have yet another transfer student. She attended this school a few years back but moved to America and is now back! I hope we can all welcome her!"

The teacher claps her hands together and signals at the door with a nod of her head, presumably for Y/N to walk in, and she does. Her hair was down, with clips to prevent the shorter strands from falling into her eyes. Wait, is that-

"Hey Ku, do you like my hair pin?~" I hear her telepathic message as she smiles innocently at the crowd, pretending she didn't just fluster me without even looking in my direction.

I swallow hard. On the right side of her hair, she has a simple silver pin, the other side is a vintage-looking silver pin with small white, flowers hand glued on. The same pin I gave her on her 14th birthday. I handmade it because I felt that she made me muffins, so I should make her something in return. It really does look great in her hair.

I wasn't the only one impressed by her looks though. At least 3 other guys had really noticed her, and a girl too.

"Why don't you tell us a little about yourself, Y/L/N?" The teacher smiled politely as Y/N nods.

"Well, I'm your average girl. I've grown up with both my parents, and am closer to my dad. I like the color F/C and I love dogs." Y/N gave a strategically well rounded, unique yet boring answer. An answer that, by all means is interesting, but not interesting enough to entice people into talking to her.

Half the class is already ignoring her presence as they do mine. Not in a rude way, but unintentionally pretending she doesn't exist because her existence doesn't change anything in their social bubble. You know, the same way I ignore all of my classmates except for Nendo, Kaido, Terohashi and Yumehara. They, unfortunately, affect my 'social bubble'.

"Go and take a seat next to Saiki over there, Y/L/N." The teacher pointed over at me while resting her hand on Y/N's back.


Japan ; 19 August ; Y/N

Before I had even stepped foot onto the premises of the school, I could hear that people knew I was here. Well not me, but a new transfer student. From the sounds of it there had been quite a few of them this year.

I was now sat next to Kusuo and his friends at a lunch table. He was quietly staring down at his lunch as the scary boy (who looked more like a grown man) wolfed down his ramen. Next to him, and across from me, was Yumehara, a very pretty and petite girl with orange hair. She seemed uncomfortable. I don't blame her. Her mind was going haywire with insults towards the baby man next to her.

On my right was Kusuo and on my left was a rather shy boy with light blue hair. I had taken it from his thoughts that his name is Kaido. He's skeptical of where I came from, but infatuated none the less. He was charming, in an innocent, baby way. Across from him was a rather butch guy with black hair and glasses. His thoughts were focused on his past and, similarly to Kaido, where I had come from. None of the actually asked me though.

A girl sitting much farther away, but was longing to sit with us, had her mind focused on me as well. She was the same girl who opened Kusuos door.

W-wait, are they dating? They couldn't be. Kusuo would have told me. Wouldn't he?

"Hey, uh, Y/N?" Kaido's shaky voice broke my high speed train of thoughts that didn't seem to be going anywhere good.

"Yes?" I turned to him and the table went quiet. Or rather, everyone's voices an eating paused or became softer, intrigued in what was going to be said.

"Where did you transfer from. I-I mean I know that the teacher said you were in, uh, America, but why were you there?"

I felt Kusuo tense slightly next to me. He couldn't have missed me that much?

"Well, my family decided to go there because my mum needed to go on a book tour. We ended up staying because some strange organization had threatened my dad." I played into his thoughts for some fun.

"W-what?!" He practically dropped his chopsticks and yelped.

"Yeah, some group or another called dark something? I don't know. They found us so we fled here." I blatantly lied through my teeth as I plopped another mouthful of sushi into my mouth.

Kaido was silent, his mind practically having a stroke.

'Hey, don't feed into his fantasies. You won't be able to get out of them.'

Kusuos voice melted through my brain like honey. Despite having little to no tone and emotion in his voice, it still came across as sweet and gentle.

'When did you stop having fun?' I teased him telepathically.

'The day you left.'


1155 words

So most of this chapter was written on my phone so ignore spelling mistakes or kindly point them out please. I also added the cafeteria idea in for that typical group of friends at a table scene. Sorry, again for not updating, school is difficult and it's almost my sisters birthday and I had to redo my room and we got a puppy and aaaa so much is happening at once it's v overwhelming. I haven't tended to any hobbies for a decent few months now. Anyway, enjoy this chapter. Updates will be coming whenever I find the time. (I just got a job too and have to complete 100 days by next year October.)

Have a good day/night.

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