He crashed into a snow tower.


Katara's hands flew up to her mouth as she looked at where he crashed. I sighed and shook my head. 

"MY WATCHTOWER!" Sokka yelled.

I stifled a laugh.

"THAT?" I asked.

"Yes, THAT!" Sokka said back, crossing his arms in front of him, "Great. Aang and HER," he pointed at me accusingly, "are airbenders, Katara's a waterbender, together you can waste time alllll day long."


Zuko's POV

"Again," Uncle said.

I flung out my arms and shot fire at the two soldiers. I jumped and landed on the other side, dodging their attacks. 

Uncle sighed. "NO. Power in firebending comes from the breath. Not the muscles. The breath becomes energy in the body. The energy extends past your limbs and becomes FIRE," he said, and shot a small flame out of his fist, "Get it right this time. You know, Y/--"

This old man! "ENOUGH. Don't bring her into this. I don't wanna hear it. Teach me the next set. I'm more than ready."

"No, you're impatient. You have yet to master the basics. DRILL IT AGAIN."

I growled. I AM READY! I turned around and shot fire at one of the soldiers. He stumbled back and fell.

"The sages tell us that the Avatar isn't the last airbender. There's another. But they must be over a hundred years old by now! He had a century to master the four elements. I'll need more than basic firebending to beat him. You WILL teach me the next set!" I yelled.

"Very well. But first. I must finish my roast duck," Uncle said, reaching to the bowl next to him. 




Sokka was trying to teach the little boys in the tribe how to be "real men."

But...they all had to go to the bathroom. Sokka gave up, and all the boys ran away. Katara walked up to him.

"Have you seen Aang? Gran-Gran said he disappeared over an hour ago."

I sighed and pointed to where Appa was. Aang was teaching the kids how to have some fun.

"STOP IT! What's wrong with you! We don't have time for fun with the war going on!" Sokka yelled.

"What war?" Aang asked. He really WAS trapped in there for a long time huh. I mean duh, it's been a hundred years.

Suddenly he yelled,

"PENGUINNNNNN!" and ran off towards the direction he was looking. I sighed and followed him, walking slowly. Katara ran ahead of me. And then before I knew it, Katara was teaching Aang how to penguin sled.

I sighed and walked back to the tribe. 

TIME SKIP (cause I can and I'm lazy)

I was staring at the ground next to a tent, waiting for Katara and Aang to come back, when suddenly, I saw a sparkler fly up into the sky from a distance. 


I panicked.

"WHAT THE HELL?" Sokka yelled, staring at the flare.

"Sokka, I'm sure it was a mistake," I said, gently touching his shoulder.

He slapped my hand away. "OH YEAH? I'm sure you were in on it too! You're fire nation after all!"

Peter Pan (Zuko x Reader x Sokka)Where stories live. Discover now