chapter 1

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3:00 am

Tenma was in his room with his door locked, sobbing quietly

'Ever since my cousin came they've changed...' The memories just made him sob harder


3 months ago, Tenma's cousin Matsukaze Shiro showed up, much to the brunet's and Aki's surprise. They welcomed him in and he said that he was going to transfer to Raimon, Tenma couldn't be happier hearing that his own cousin was going to attend the same school as him.

Shiro was introduced to his friends and teammates, he also made it in Tenma's team, but that's when things took a weird turn. Ever since he joined in, his friends, teammates, coaches and even Aki started neglecting him and Shiro seemed to have become the center of everyone, almost as if he was replaced by him, and things didn't just end off there.

One day, he overhead from the outside of the clubroom that Shiro was talking bad about him, in terms of him being a meanie when they're alone, of him faking his true self... Tenma couldn't believe his ears, and much less what he heard next. His teammates and friends actually believed his cousin! They were starting to curse his name, exclaiming how horrible he was, how much of a faker he had always been... When in reality everything they believed were just dirty lies made up to ruin his life, but yet they all chose his cousin over the fact that they should know what kind of a person he truly is. Tenma obviously quitted - more like got kicked out - the club, but things just kept getting worse and worse.

He was starting to get bullied by his cousin and ex-friends, Aki also believed in Shiro despite the fact that she had been living under the same roof as Tenma for years, the coaches also looked at him like he was a some kind of rat from the sewers, ever since then he was all alone.

Flashback end

'I could move... But... To where...? I don't have anywhere else to go and no matter where I go, he can just follow me and keep ruining my life, there's really no escape for me...' The brunet was desperate to escape from all of this chaos, anywhere where he no longer has to feel this pain will do, no matter where 'Or maybe there is...'

Slowly, he got off from his bed to his work table and from his pencil case he took out an utility knife and started cutting his wrists

'There's nothing left for me in this world, so might as well just end it...' With that in mind he went on and on with his cutting, he even went down to his legs and up to his throat. Eventually he felt tired and light headed, he ended up collapsing to the floor and slowly closing his eyelids, wondering if this was going to be his end.


In the morning

Aki only bothered to wake Shiro up, not caring about the brunet at all. But when Shirou already went off to school, Aki banged on the brunet's locked door

"Tenma, wake up! You're gonna be late!" She exclaimed with an annoyed tone. Seeing that Tenma was not answering she banged the door even harder "Did you hear me!? Wake up!" At first she was getting impatient and frustrated, but she still wasn't getting a single answer, when she leaned in closer, she didn't even hear the slightest breathing in the room. At this point she was starting to panic, she might hate the brunet but that didn't mean that she was going to let a person die, she finally managed to bust open the door and she was mortified by the sight she was seeing, she quickly called the hospital with her shaky hands and they went there as fast as possible.

She also called Endou while she was waiting outside of the E.R and he and the entire team, including the managers all went there in the matter of minutes

", what... happened...?" Endou was having a hard time finding his own voice, but when he did he only managed to squeeze out those three words. Aki, who was on the bench, crying, looked up to him and said

"This morning, when I entered Tenma's bedroom, he was lying on the ground, pale as snow with cuts on his arm and... An utility his hands..." She was starting to break down again, Haruna, despite the fact that she was also crying, tried her best to comfort Aki. As for the rest, some of them were starting to feel ashamed of themselves, but some of them still thought that Tenma deserved all of this - Kurama, Kurumada and Tsurugi - until they heard laughter right behind them, a sinister one to be exact. They turned around and saw Shiro laughing like a maniac

"Shiro, what are you laughing about...?" Asked Kidou, frankly kind of terrified of this kid. Shiro on the other hand, finally stopped laughing but still kept an evil grin on his face

"What am I laughing about!? I'm laughing about your stupidity!" He said that last part with a 'duh' tone "You believed all of those things I told about Tenma, how stupid do you have to be to not see those were lies!!!???" And with that, he started laughing again, the others were dumbfounded by his confession

"Lies...?" Muttered Shinsuke, the liar, who stopped laughing again looked down at him

"Correct, Pikachu-" He snickered before continuing "-you guys were stupid enough to trust someone that you've just met 3 months ago over a friend that you've known for almost a year. But, thanks to you guys, he's probably gonna be dead by now." Said Shiro with a proud yet evil grin on his face, the rest after hearing that hated themselves, some of them even had smokes of rage coming out from their ears

"Why would you do that!?" Screeched Aki, realizing the biggest mistake of her life. Shiro simply giggled before replying

"Because I've always wanted him dead, and thanks to all of you, my plan worked out perfectly~. Thanks to the fact that all of you turned your backs on him." Their hearts were starting to ache, their tears couldn't stop flowing out. Tsurugi, Kurumada and Kurama were about to go and punch Shiro in the face if it wasn't because he waved a mocking finger in front of their faces

"Ah, ah, ah~" Sang the white haired boy "I don't think you'd wanna make a ruckus in a public place like the hospital, ya might not wanna get kicked out before you know the condition of.your.friend~, bye bye~." The last few words he sang it in the most arrogant tone that they've heard from him so far before he left, the violent trio hesitated for a moment, thinking logically about his words. In the end they still wanted to mess his face up and they would've gone and done it, if it wasn't because the E.R door opened, revealing the doctor taking off his mask with his bloody gloves

"Doctor, how is he!?" Asked the brown haired coach desperately, the doctor looked up to him with a sad frown before looking down again, he moved to one side and they all heard the sound of wheels coming from the E.R direction. One look towards there, they saw two nurses pushing out a bed with a white blanket covering, what looked like...a human body, or more precisely said, a human corpse. There was nothing that needed to be said for the Raimon members and Aki to comprehend, because they all knew what this meant, nothing could precisely describe their feelings, they've done something unforgivable, no matter how big of a heart a human can have.

That was the day, they lost the most precious person of their lives.


This... really didn't make sense at all.

I mean who the hell goes and believes someone they just met over someone that they've known for pretty much a whole year!!!!????

Then again... That's what fanfics are all about... Creating fanmade worlds, wether they make sense or not...

Geez!!! At this point I don't even know why I wrote this story and why I'm liking this storyline!!!!

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