Chapter 1: Thinking about Jojo

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Harper was sitting on her bed and thinking about Jojo. Jojo had been on tour the last few months, in Australia. Harper knew that Jojo enjoyed meeting her fans and performing for such a large audience, but part of her couldn't stop wishing that Jojo would stay home. She wanted to see Jojo daily at school and at home, not on a big screened tv or the cracked screen of her phone.

After a moment, a sudden remerberence hit Harper, and she realised something entirely incredible. "It's been three months", Harper whispered to herself, "And that means she'll be back soon." This realization made Harper the happiest she'd been in months. She stopped moping on her bed and opened the window to look out at the sky. The wind gracefully blew her auburn hair behind her as she looked out. In front of her she saw all the fun activities she'd do with Jojo when she came over. They'd go swimming in the hot spring a mile north, they'd explore the woods behind Harper's house, they could do anything they dreamed of. It didn't matter that they were 16 and not "kids" anymore, nobody would find them messing around in the woods. In fact, they always hung out in the woods, Jojo would get recognized where ever there were people to recognize her.

Coincidentally, almost as if done by an angel, Harper got a text on her phone. It was expectantly from Jojo, and it was two words, "I'm back". Harper was ecstatic to see Jojo, before realising something else, something less exciting, it was four in the morning.

Harper's mind immediatly went on a tangent of thinking, trying to uncover when Jojo would be here.
It went along the lines of:
"It's 4 in the morning and she just got off a plane, she'll need sleep.... maybe she slept on the plane? Can Jojo sleep on planes? She's so used to travel, she can probably sleep like a pro on planes, but maybe she didn't sleep anyway. How much sleep does Jojo need? 5 hours, 10? Would Jojo be willing to stay up without sleeping just to see me quicker?"
The last thought made Harper blush, she wrapped her arms around herself and felt good. Harper finally concluded her thoughts with,"well, if she's sleeping now, then I should sleep too."
With that, Harper set down her phone on the floor and jumped on her bed, it wasn't until she hit the pillow that she realised how truely tired she really was.

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