Chapter 12: How does JoJo look naked?

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Harper's P.O.V

"So," Kyle began, smiling at me mischievously. He had pulled me into the dining room the first chance he had, not even bothering to turn the lights on. 
"How does Jojo look naked?"

I covered my mouth with my hands, fighting the urge to burst out laughing. After my amazing night, not even Kyle being well, Kyle, could ruin it. Slowly removing my hands from my mouth, I replied with amusement,
"I wish I knew."

"Oh? Go on." He requested, sparks of interest in his deep, blue eyes.

"Well," I began, wondering if Jojo would be okay with me telling Kyle. He was the one who set us up, after all, he would have found out anyway.

"We both expressed our feelings for each other, and, umm, cuddled."

"You don't seem very sure of that." He teased, chucking a bit. I was scared that was going to pry deeper, but instead, suddenly got a serious look on his face.
"If you don't want to share the details, that's fine." He assured me, patting me on the back.
"But, I am glad that you got laid."

"Shut up!" I hissed in his ear, standing on my tip-toes so that I could be eye to eye with him. We stared at each other for a few seconds, annoyance glistening in my brown eyes, amusement in his blue, and then suddenly burst out into laughter. I leaned over and gave Kyle a bear hug.

"Thank you so much for setting up me and Jojo." I told him sincerely. "You helped me get with the love of my life. I can't even express how happy I am."

"No problem," Kyle answered, a huge grin on his face. "It's just what friends who are overly interested in each other's lives do."

I started walking over to the door, but I was quickly stopped by Kyle, who said,
"Just one more thing. Can I tell the forth and fifth wheels about what happened as well?"

"Sure." I answered, knowing that they would find out inevitably anyway. They may as well hear it from Kyle.
"As long as you don't tell them that me and Jojo fucked."

"So you did?"

I gave him an annoyed look, then opened the door to the hallway.

"Of course not."

The hallway was dark, with no windows to bring any kind of natural light in. I stumbled through the darkness, trying to reach the light at the end of the tunnel, the kitchen, which seemed so close, yet so far. About halfway through, the light went on, and Kyle yelled to me
"They're all outside, we don't need to sneak around like secret agents."
That would have been great to know thirty seconds ago.
Turning the corner, I made my way out to the balcony, where Jojo, Parker, and Willow were chatting about something. The wind was blowing in every direction, throwing their hair every which way, but they didn't seem to mind it. Jojo's eyes lit up when she saw me.
"Where were you?" She asked, glancing back at Kyle who was behind me.
"Ummm," I began, reaching for an excuse.
"I was having trouble on a math assignment, Harper was helping me out." Kyle butted in matter of factly, looking over at me and nodding. I silently thanked him in my head.
"So," I continued, "What's up with you guys?"

"I was just calling my manager, and asking him about this super amazing idea I had." Jojo explained, smiling and glancing at Parker and Willow.
"You still play guitar, right, Harp?

"Yeah, I play bass." I answered, beginning to see what she was hinting at.

"And Kyle, you play drums?"

"Yup," he replied, also getting what Jojo was hinting at, "I play with the school band."

"Then, I was thinking. Why don't you four come on tour with me? You two can help me write and preform songs, Willow can work on the tech crew, and Parker is the right height to be one of my backup dancers."

I stared at Jojo with happiness, unable to keep myself from smiling.

"That sounds amazing!" I yelled, running over and hugging Jojo.

"How about you, Kyle?" Jojo asked.

"Sounds great." He replied, leaning against the wall nonchalantly. He could hide it all he wanted, but I knew he was just as excited as I was.

"I got an okay from my managers, and all the parents have been called. We start on Monday."
This is going to be absolutely amazing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2021 ⏰

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