Heartache + Fallen Down Reprise

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Everyone decided to take a small break after the breakdown. Weiss decided to get her mind out of the musical for a bit and continue on with her homework. Blake is doing the same thing but with books.

Yang is cuddling up with Ruby as she seemed to be the most affected.

"I got to say, that musical is more saddening then I remember." Yang said as she can't remember the actual game affecting them as much as that last song has.

Weiss sighs as she put her pen down. She just can't concentrate on doing her homework at the moment.

"Well somethings just work better then other things. Though I got to say these people are good at their jobs despite just making videos on the internet." She said with the others wholeheartedly agree.

Ruby was the only one staying silent. She knew what was coming next as this part was the most memorable to the game.

Yang felt the same thing as she left out a sigh. "So since we have mostly calmed down, shall we continue?"

Blake was the next to sigh as she put down a book. "Sure, not like I was reading much anyway."

And so they got themselves ready as Yang plays the 7th song.


The four was already getting a bad feeling just from the name of the song.

The first thing they saw was Toriel blocking the door to Snowdin, with me battling her.

"There's only one solution to this. Prove yourself. Prove to me you are strong enough to survive." Toriel said.

"Wait why is Toriel fighting?" Weiss said a bit confused by the small time skip.

"The human wanted to get out of the underground but it was too dangerous. But Toriel didn't want that since most of the monsters are not as kind as she is." Yang explained with what little she remembers of the game.


Oh my child,
Didn't you listen to me

"Well, you could still turn back and we could go and finish that pie!" Toriel said interrupting her singing.

Ruby moves closer to Yang. Her sister sees this as she gives Ruby a hug.

Why can't you just be happy?

I don't want you to leave this happy home
It's not safe for a child out there alone

Didn't you listen to me

This is reminding Blake too much of her home. Her family tried to warn her that the White Fang wasn't how it used to be. But Blake didn't listen and ran away from home. Now she is too afraid to see her parents face to face because of her cowardice. She hoped that she will be brave enough to own up to her mistake someday.

If you go,
I just want you to know
You can't come back,
I know what's best, you'll be hurt, don't be a fool,
And please understand I'm doing this for you
Think what you're doing, I love you too

Ruby and Yang cuddles each other as they remember Summer. She and Toriel has so much in common and they felt like they could be good friends.

If you will not fight back,
The world will attack,
You will not survive,

ou can't come back home, can't come back alive
If this is what you decide then know I did what I could,
Wondering if I did what I should
Oh my child, please be good.

The four didn't say anything as the playlist took them to the next song.


Toriel hugged Frisk.


Couldn't save a child

Who's fallen down
But the ruins get very small around
You'd be unhappy here
Expectations, loneliness, and fear
I'll put them aside
For you, I cannot
Still be by your side
I wish I could
My child, please be good

"Please be good...I love you, and I'll miss you, my child..." Toriel said while walking away.

"We love you too." They all muttered as this felt like the last time they will get to meet Toriel for a long time.


The screen showed Frisk walking through the door, seeing Flowey.

"This flower again?" Blake asked as she really didn't like the flower. And the rest agreed with her.


I bet you feel great
You're not a killer
You think that you're so smart?
It's kill or be killed
You'll play by my rules
This is barely the start

"I don't think so stupid weed." Yang insulted the flower.

"Yang." Ruby said back as Yang didn't need to insult it. Even though the flower did try to kill Frisk.

I wonder, what will you do?
Meeting one as bold as you?

Will you tire of trying?
Kill in frustration?
Live in the world I run?

The four looked a bit confused with that last line.

I am the prince,
Don't worry, little monarch,
This is going to be fun!
Not killing anybody?

That's a WONDERFUL idea!
Good luck with that...

"Prince? Does that thing thinks it is some kind of ruler?" Blake wondered.

"Then wouldn't it call itself a king then?" Weiss said though Blake merely shrugged.

Thankfully though meeting Flowey again got rid of some of their sadness of leaving Toriel.

Yang plays the next video which shows snow with a bunch of black trees.

"Whoa man here we go." Yang said with a grin. Ruby herself groans and does a facepalm.

"Are we supposed to be worried?" Blake asks as they heard Ruby groaning.

"Just be prepared." Was all she said.

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