Chapter Fifteen - Dragon's Pearls

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"A very long long time ago, before the demons were born, God created five Great Demons described as Dragons that were feared by deities and humans, namely Green Jade Dragon, Fire Dragon, Earth Dragon, Water Dragon, and Black Dragon..." Sarawat showed an ancient history book to Tine in his room.

Tine narrowed his eyes and asked. "Is this story true or is it just a legend? I've never seen a dragon my entire life... "

"I don't know if it's true or not... but some say ...the water dragon was the last dragon to be seen 500 years ago..."

"Huh? Does it have to do with the legend of a white snake who destroyed the lightning pagoda? "

Sarawat nodded. "Some also said he is a monster who guarding the lightning pagoda and killed by the white snake..." he closed the book on the table.

"What?! I thought the one who was fighting with the white snake was a monk?"

"Er...maybe it's just another version of the story....don't worry about it..."

Tine nodded and added to the comment. "Is the white snake is really powerful?"

"It able to break the mirror spell and nearly killed me last time...if...a green snake didn't save me..." he trailed off and wondered why this green snake always appeared and saved him when his life was on the edge.

"I really wish to see the green snake again, to thanks it..." said Sarawat.

Tine's face turned red for no reason, then he remembered Arthit ever shown him a green jade dragon pearl, and doubted whether Kong really gave himself to be killed or actually Arthit killed him silently. Suddenly he shuddered and thought Arthit was really cold-blooded, he didn't even hesitate to kill Sarawat in the forest.

"But before that, I had to immediately find out who is this white snake and catch it soon, before the tragedy on the golden mountain repeats or the entire city sinks..." Sarawat said making plans in his head.

"What?!" Tine exclaimed in surprise. "A-are you serious? You're going to catch it?"

"Of is the most powerful demon and very dangerous....."

" saved Kong I don't think he's bad..."

"You don't know how many innocent lives have become a victim to the flood at the golden mountain..."

"That's because the monks take hostages of the people he loves and tried to separate them..."

"Well, humans and demons basically do not allow falling in love with each other..."

"Who's make that stupid rule? Can you choose who you will fall in love with?" Tine protested and glared sharply at Sarawat. "If those monks didn't disturb its peaceful sleep, I'm sure the white snake won't bite them..."

Sarawat was silent for a moment, thinking about Tine's words, and nodded softly. "We don't know what happened back then, or judge who's right and wrong...but no matter what she still had to accept the consequences of her actions..."

"I should have just let you die..." Tine grumbled in annoyance.

"What did you say?"

"I mean...that green snake shouldn't have saved you..." he corrected.

Sarawat returned silently for a moment and changed the topic. "After burying the body of the snake, I immediately returned to the clinic and you disappeared, I thought you were kidnapped by a demon, but I only saw Kong and the male student tied to a tree, where were you?" he asked Tine curiously and continue.

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