Chapter Fourteen - Dog Demon

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Arthit followed the sound and arrived at an empty lot overgrown with shady trees, he found Tine nailed to a tree and a knife pierced through his shoulder, he quickly approached the man, then pulled out his knife and immediately held his body.

"P'Arthit...they took the pendant..." Tine said haltingly.

Arthit widened his eyes in surprise and asked.

"Who are they?"


Not long after, they heard the sound of footsteps approaching, he immediately told Tine to transformed and hid, while Arthit disguised himself as Tine.

"N'Tine?!" called Sarawat. "I heard you scream, I thought something happened to you, are you alright?" he asked worriedly checking him from the top down.

Arthit cleared his throat and imitated Tine's voice. "I-I'm fine..."

"Didn't you say you want to go to the toilet? How did you appear in this place?"

"I-I followed the dog's sound to here..."

"Really?" Sarawat stared suspiciously, then accidentally glanced at the knife in Tine's hand, Arthit realized that he had forgotten to hide the knife, and there is Tine's blood on the knife.

"What happened?"

Arthit did not answer, he suddenly brought his hands to his back suspiciously.

Sarawat noticed it, then approached him. "What are you hiding?" he looked at the man suspiciously, then pulled his hand forcefully. Arthit struggles at first, and finally surrendered and hand the knife to him.

Sarawat also pulled Tine another hand and sighed, then tore the hem of his shirt to wrap the wound on the man's hand. Arthit purposely cut his own palm and smeared his blood on the knife to disguise Tine's blood with his blood.

After finished, he examines the blood attached to the knife, smells it for a moment to find out was it belongs to an animal, human, or demon. Next, he thought for a moment then stuck out his tongue and tasted the blood on the knife.

Seeing that, suddenly Arthit get rid of the knife, pulled his nape closer, and sucking the blood on the man's tongue before the poison from his blood gets into the guy's body.

The man froze instantly and was shocked as he looked at Tine's eyes straight. The time bomb in his heart seemed to activate instantly. Arthit took the opportunity to turn a nearby branch into a snake's corpse.

Unexpectedly, Sarawat instead sucked his lips and tasted his tongue, Arthit immediately pulled back then spat on the ground, and shortly wiped his lips.

"What the hell are you doing?!" snapped Arthit and glared at him sharply.

Sarawat looked at the man in front of him straight and as if being hypnotized, his heart pounding and involuntarily bringing his hand to his lips, he just realized a few moments later.

"I should ask that to you! You kissed me first!"

"Sorry..." said Arthit after a long paused as realized his mistake and embarrassed.

He immediately looked away and clenched his fist strongly trying to hold his emotions, condemning the situation.

Sarawat swallowed nervously and immediately glanced at the knife in his hand again to divert the awkward situation and accidentally saw the body of a snake on the ground behind Tine.

"Did you killed a snake?" he asked suspiciously to the man.

" was killed from saving me from...a mysterious man who suddenly attacked me...and P'Arthit...using the knife..." said Arthit and pointed to the knife in Sarawat's hand

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