And This is a Fact

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It was the next morning. Grant had his convention to go to, while Eddie would do... whatever the hell he does on a day to day basis. Eddie realized that Narrator was sleeping in his bed. Narrator was laying on top of Eddie's chest; his arms draped around the taller being. Eddie felt something warm on his legs and quickly realized both his and Grant's legs were entangled. The taller one didn't move his hand off Narrator's head. Eddie grinned, fully aware that he was the top in this situation.

His win was cut short when he remembered he was hungry. He slowly pried Grant's arm off, and slipped out from under Grant. He tip-toed out of the room, and he walked down to the kitchen.

He turned the coffee maker on and popped a cup of coffee grounds in. While his coffee poured into his mug, he grabbed a bowl and poured cereal then milk. (He's not an animal for fucksake.) He ate the cereal then placed the bowl in the sink once his coffee was ready. He poured half-and-half into the mug and turned around to sit at the couch.

He looked to the stairs to see Grant- who looked so fucking cute when he was tired. Eddie smiled and leaned against the counter.

Narrator rubbed his eyes then looked at Eddie with a smirk, "Cute hoodie."

Eddie looked down to see that he was wearing Narrator's 1 Mil hoodie. "Can't help it; this shit is comfy."

Narrator walked down the stairs to get to Eddie. He placed his hands on the counter at Eddie's side. Sure, he was a tad shorter, but, hell, it was hot. Eddie placed his coffee mug down and placed a finger against Grant's lips.

"I'm topping today, bitch."

Narrator rolled his eyes, and he removed his arms and crossed them. "Alrighty then, smartass. Make a move."

Eddie smirked and immediately kissed Grant. He pushed the mug away and switched their positions. Eddie lifted Narrator onto the counter; sure Narrator was heavy, and Eddie was out of shape, but that wouldn't stop him. Once Narrator was sitting on the counter, Eddie slid his hands up his lover's shirt, and rested on Narrator's lower back. Grant smiled into the kiss and wrapped his arms around Eddie's neck.

Narrator broke away for a second to say, "Fuck, yeah."

Eddie chuckled and broke away. "Alright, get down. I want my coffee, and you gotta get ready."

"Oh, shit; you're right." Narrator hopped down, and grabbed a breakfast bar from the pantry and made his way to the stairs. Not without Eddie slapping his ass and whistling his famous whistle of course.

'Cause I Love You Too Much (EddieVR X Your Narrator)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu