Chapter 7

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[fluff content!! No lemon in this but maybe some touchy steamy stuff oya oya oya]

Bokuto's eyes widened and he covered his mouth. He had realised what he said. He avoided eye contact with Akaashi who was just bluntly staring at him.


"N-nothing I'm sorry!!" He got up while being all flustered and ran towards the bathroom. Locking himself inside he took a deep breath and sighed. "Ah.. oh shit." He said while looking down.

Akaashi was flipping through the channels and then browsing on Netflix and came across this one show. That same moment Bokuto came out of the bathroom his face flustered and tomato red.

"Bokuto-san did you take a shit?"

"w-what! no I didn't Akaashi!!"

"haha say that too your red face.. looks redder than pain-in-the-ass kuroo's jersey"

Bokuto let of a simple 'hmph' before taking the seat next to Akaashi. He saw how he was looking between the same two movies.

"Akaashi.. these two movies are sad!!"
He had tried to take the remote but Akaashi was just too powerful with his.. Well, Bokuto just gave in.

"Bokuto-san, last watch 5feet apart" (100% recommend it's on Netflix!)

Bokuto crosses his legs and to get warmer, it had been a while since he had watched a sad movie. He peeked a look at Akaashi who didn't feel phased at all.

It was only a few minutes in and Bokuto was already in tears.

"Imagine having a disease that stopped you from loving someone or being close to someone!" He exclaimed.

ah.. right.
Now why hadn't Akaashi been crying? Well, maybe because he hasn't realised that Bokuto was slowly liking him back. It didn't mean any colour was coming back. So what was stopping him from the tears?

Self control.

Akaashi keeps biting his lips to stop him from crying. Majority pain cancels out pain is what they say. Bleeding. Bleeding in sight eye. Not internally. Exposed.

"Ah, Bokuto-san I'll.. get some snacks"
Bokuto simply nodded and curled up in his blanket.
Akaashi got up and went to the kitchen where he poured some readymade popcorn in these bowls, owl designs were printed on them. He softly smiled. He looked at the bowl he was giving to Bokuto.

"r-red...?" Words drifted off his mouth. Akaashi could see red. He hadn't even done anything the people on the website told him too. He drawed back hitting his back on the counter opposite where he had stood.
Akaashi's head was spinning. He had so many questions.

"How..?" He said before fainting due to ringing. He had gone just over 2 months of not seeing red. He fainted due to shock.

A loud crash came from the kitchen and Bokuto immediately went to see what happened.


Akaashi woke up on the couch. He expected to be resting in a hospital bed since he probably went to the hospital millions of times over the last 5months. He had a damp towel across his forehead. However, there was no sight of Bokuto.

"b-Bokuto-san?" Akaashi's minimum energy said, he slowly got up even though his legs were wobbly. He reached for his phone and dialled Bokuto's number but he could hear the ringing from upstairs? Bokuto probably left his phone or went to sleep? Akaashi slipped on slippers that he wore around the house (author-chan is asian hmph) and started walking towards the spiral starecase. He was still weak.
"Bokuto..san..?" He called out again, no reply.
He stepped on the first step.

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