Chapter 7- Deal, Or No Deal?

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"Beep, beep, beep," I slam the button on my alarm clock. I sit up and throw on some jeggings and a light blue shirt. Today is supposed to be the day when Hank apparently breaks up with me. I eat some fruity pebbles (who couldn't resist?!) and run out to the car. My mom's already waiting for me. "Where's your sister?" She questions. "I don't know." Finally, she comes running out to the car. "Sorry it took so long, my hair wasn't cooperating!" Really, all that time just because of her hair?

My mom pulls into the school parking lot. "Thanks for the ride, mom." "Yep, anytime." I slam the door shut and walk into the school building. The first person I run into is the one and only..... Blake.

"Hey baby doll."
"Hi Blake."
"Hey Haley, Hank is not to happy with you."
"I know, I've heard already."
"Oh, ok well I have to go, see ya later!"

Well great, apparently the whole school knows about it. Awesome. I throw my backpack off my shoulders, so it sits right in front of my locker.

"Haley, we need to talk," I look up from my locker and find I am looking face to face with Hank.
"Yeah, I've already heard, your gonna break up with me."
"Actually, no."
"I'm here to make a deal with you."
"A deal?"
"Yes, do you wanna here it?"
"Sure, why not?"
"Well I'm gonna make a deal, this deal is that if you can stay away from Blake for at least one month, I'll believe that you love me more than him."
"Stay completely away from him!?"
"No, you can still talk, I mean not going out on a date with him."
"Okay, deal."

Then we shook on it. Oh it's on like donkey kong!

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