Day 68

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James experiences Emily's new strength and power

Emily and James had shared a joke recently at how the rest of the world probably imagines Supergirl's life when she wasn't in costume saving the planet from bad guys and disasters.

James recalled the joke when he heard the doorbell. It was the pizza delivery guy.

He ignored it for a second as he admired his girlfriend on the TV, in costume, posing for the cameras whilst in the background the local Police rounded up some bad guys. It rang again and he peeled himself away.

After paying the pizza guy he walked back into the kitchen and heard the familiar feint whoosh and a few clicks outside in the garden, shortly after which the floor-to-ceiling glass door slid open and Supergirl walked in.

"Hey babe!" Supergirl squealed enthusiastically as she tottered over to the pizza.

James laughed as he watched Supergirl, decked out in her full costume demolishing a slice of pepperoni pizza.

"I just saw you on the news in the middle of some heist. Looked like it was pretty bad ass?"

Supergirl nodded, snorting through her nose as she munched on another slice.

"It was mental," she said before taking a breath. "These dudes just wouldn't give up. They were fanatical. Like, I gave them the full works, but even at the end they were spraying me with bullets. They were so stupid."

James smiled.

"Right, I need to change" Emily said stepping away from the bench. "I've been kicking butt all day and I can't wait to slip into some pyjamas".

"Wait" said James just as she was about to change.

"Whats up?"

The teenager put down his half-eaten slice and wiped his mouth, mentally gearing up to what he was about to ask.

"Okay, this may come out as a big weird, but I have a, uh, favour to ask." he said awkwardly. "Its not like, weird or anything, but it may sound strange, but I kind of thought that, well, if I can't ask you, my girlfriend, when who could I ask, right?"

"Riiiiight...." Supergirl smiled, looking at him quizzically. It was probably something to do with sex, and she knew she'd end up doing it for him.

"So what is it?" she said smiling, loving how awkward he looked, and even more so when she put her hands on her hips. She knew he loved that.

"So, promise you're not going to get weirded out about it?"

"It depends what it is!" Emily laughed.

"So, like, you know when you're up against some bad guys. And I think its normally when there are some camera around, you do that thing when you lift guys up off their feet?"

"Er, not really" Supergirl shook her head a little and looked vaguely unaware of what he was talking about.

But she knew exactly. She'd even practiced it with a bunch of weights in the garage. It was the money-shot. The lift, the pose that made the front pages. and the lift that fuelled men's fantasies: lifting them up, single-handedly by their chin or their throat, and making that power-stance.

She watched how cute he was as he laboriously explained it to her.

"Okay, yeah. I know what you're talking about" she said playing along. "What about it?"

But she already knew why. For a bad guy it was incapacitating. But for other men (and women), it was the perfect representation of an alternate power dynamic. She'd seen pictures of the old Supergirl doing it, but until twenty five days ago she had no idea its effect on men. She loved looking up and seeing a strange mix of fear and loathing in the whites of their eyes. She reasoned that when men fought each other the outcome was normally dictated in the difference in age, physical size and fighting skill. Their egos couldn't take a gorgeous teenager with big tits in a leotard and cape lifting them up with a single hand.

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