XII. ❝She isn't my sister!❞

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"None of us care if your a bit gay, Adore!" He exclaims, as Rosalyn's eyes shoot up to him.


"It's alright to take a bite out of both cake and pie, to bat for both teams" Remus continues, as Rosalyn lets out a small laugh.

"Whilst true, that's not what I'm referring too" She chews at her lip, trying to hold in her giggles.

"Oh, right" Remus runs a hand through his mess of a curls.


The Black manor dining room is full, Druella and Cygnus at the head of the table, Orion and Walburga, Bellatrix, Narcissa, Andromeda and Regulus.

All eyes turn to the door as it swings open revealing Rosalyn Riddle and Sirius Black, he glances at his cousin, who gives him a sad smile, "It'll be alright" she murmurs.

"Rosalyn join me, Sirius take a seat next to your brother" Cygnus orders, Rosalyn squeezes her cousins hand before following his orders.

"I'm sure that everyone is shocked that a meeting has had to be called, in honesty me and Druella thought we had longer, before we had to discuss the truth and explain the lies" Cygnus begins, his eyes scanning over the family.

"What in Merlin's name is going off, dear brother?" Walbruga questions, her shrill voice breaking through the room.

"I will explain in due time dear sister, if you give me the chance" Cygnus sends her a short glare, Walbruga rolls her eyes with a sigh, "Just over seventeen years ago, The dark lord granted me and my wife the greatest gift and the greatest mission, to take care of his daughter like she was our own" He looks up, as the gasps are heard throughout the room.

"Rosalyn is in fact a Riddle, Lord Voldemort's daughter, not my own and whilst our family has always treated her like our own, and always will, The dark lord has decided it is now time for her to step into her role as a Riddle" Cygnus continues, looking over to Rosalyn.

"No! She's my sister, she's our sister" Bellatrix shouts, standing up and slamming her hands against the table.

"I'm so sorry" Rosalyn whispers, tears flowing down her face, her eyes set on Sirius.

"It can't be true! It isn't true, no, your apart of this family, your just like me, the black sheep" Sirius exclaims, tears welling in his eyes.

"Bellatrix, Sirius, quiet! What I'm saying is true, The dark lord has taken it upon himself to publish it in the tabloids, Orion with you running for Minister and Uncle Xaviers funeral, our family needed to be aware of it immediately, Rosalyn only found out herself a few hours ago" Cygnus speaks, as the teens shake their heads.

"This is ridiculous! My sister is more Black then us all, you've all heard of how she strangled me, punched me and your gonna tell me she isn't a Black?" Bellatrix scoffs, "Tell me this is a sick joke! That's my sister!" She yells, as tears begin to fall down her face, "That's my sister" Bellatrix whispers.

"I'm sorry, Bells, Rosie" Druella says, as Cygnus squeezes her hands tightly.

Rosalyn rushes over, wrapping her arms around her older sister, "Bella I stand for nothing you seem to believe but by Merlin, you will always be my sister" She whimpers, as Bellatrix pulls her into a tight hug.

"She's not a Black, get her out, out of the will, out of the family, all of it"

Rosalyn turns to Narcissa, as Bellatrix gives her a disgusted look, "She is our sister!" Bellatrix hisses, as Narcissa raises an eyebrow.

"Did I stutter? Rosalyn has always been a burden on the family, may as well kick her out whilst we have an excuse!" Narcissa exclaims, flicking her blonde hair over shoulder.

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