Hand In Hand.

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"...so, how are you this fine afternoon?"
Trying to draw small conversation, the room just grew even more tense. You shifted uncomfortably, awaiting a response from the large man. Minutes passed until he finally responded, coming back to earth from whatever imaginary planet he was on.

"I wasn't doing too well until i saw you show up at my doorstep." he replied calmly. Not being quite sure what he meant of that, you tilted your head in confusion, scrunching your brows together and pouting your lips. He found that adorable. Sighing, he explained further.

Jotaro paused. He wanted to form his sentence so it wouldn't sound suspicious or give away how he felt. He would have looked like an idiot if he told you after barely even knowing you. "Glad to see you, that's all."

It seemed his mannerisms changed when he was near you. That was something that almost worried you, but made you happy.

When he said that, your expression changed into a wide smile, your eyes almost like stars. You were exhilarated that he enjoyed your company. After all, you looked up to him (quite literally). Jotaro had helped you with homework throughout the week and was extremely nice to you. Even his friend was worried for him and his behaviour, as he said it was "extremely unusual for him".

You soon learnt that he had gone on a trip to Egypt to save his mother from a deadly illness, and that he had a deep passion for marine life, and planned on becoming a marine biologist in his future. You found it fascinating how such a fearsome guy could have a soft spot for marine life and his mother. But you felt that he had a soft spot for someone else.

And maybe that someone was you.

He suddenly stood up, offering his hand to you. You gladly accepted, and your hand was yet again in his. This time, however, it was sweaty, as if he was nervous or hot. "We have an assignment due Tuesday. It would be better if we did it now before we become too lazy to do it," he said shakily.

"Hey, are you hot? I can turn down the-" You were cut off as he suddenly dragged you upstairs, leading the both of you to your bedroom. The only reason he knew it was yours was because the door was clearly labelled "Y/N". in big, bold letters.

Pulling out the assignment, you sat at your desk. You awaited further instructions.
Jotaro crouched beside your chair, as there were either no other chairs he could sit on, or they were too small for his liking.

"Right. Let's get to work, Y/N."

Saturday, 6:45PM.

The two of you were tired and worn out from the long work session, and decided to take a break and bid your goodbyes. Well, at least, that's what you wanted to do. Kujo, on the other hand, had other plans. He wasn't finished with the evening just yet.

As you were zoning out and looking out of your window at the clouds, You felt yourself being lifted off your chair by a pair of strong, muscly arms. You breathed in heavily, looking up to meet his gorgeous eyes.

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