12. Escape

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"That's the funny thing about trying to escape. You never really can. Maybe temporarily, but not completely."― Jennifer L. Armentrout, Onyx

The season was in full swing. Every noble was going to the balls and soirees like their life depended on it. Christmas was approaching and it was a time of happiness and merry-making. But for William, it was time to work till bone crunches before the parliament pauses their work till the New year.

He was in his study at Kentshire manor. Twiddling the piece of parchment in his hand for the inheritance bill. He had planned everything to the details to get the bill introduced to the parliament once he becomes the President of the party but now he could only sip his whiskey in the silent night. 

He put back the parchment in his files and made way to the parlour where his parents, Hannah, and Oliver were lounging by the fireplace. His younger brothers were yet to visit the manor, gallivanting from one ball to another living the life they enjoyed.

"William, darling," His mother called, "Come sit with us. The chef had prepared a delicious cream ice today, let me ask to bring one for you."

"Thank you, mother," He replied making himself comfortable.

"Mother, you should taste the cream ice from the south gate of hyde park, it is delicious than anything you have ever tasted," Oliver added.

"Oh, we know. Your father and I use to visit that small cream ice shop often," His mother said, "Maybe you should take Hannah for a walk in the park and delicious cream ice."

Oliver and Hannah looked at each other and smiled knowingly, a secret passed between them and William felt a sense of longing. Long ago he chose his career over love and family but in moments like this, he wondered if he could have it all.  

Kathalina invaded his mind slowly and he made no effort to dismiss her presence. He knew he was attracted to her and as long as he doesn't act on it he was safe. 

Recently, he realized he was noticing Kathalina in every ball and soiree he attended, his eyes will always look for her in the crowd. And whenever they came face to face he made a point to call her Lady Katherine and watch as the colour of her hair matched the colour on her neck slowly. 

It annoyed him to no end that she had stopped visiting his office in parliament or ambushing him in her disguise. Every time they met her face was caked with that horrible powder, hiding the beauty beneath it. He wanted to look at those freckles on her nose and cheeks again and burn them into his memory.

He was looking forward to meeting her at the royal Christmas ball his family was attending. As children, they always accompanied their parents to the palace and he knew almost all the secret rooms and passageways thanks to his younger brothers mischiefs. He planned on making use of them, he planned to let go and enjoy the holidays, not worrying or planning for the second parliament season. 

He wanted to spend all his Christmas holiday annoying Kathalina. He wanted to keep staring at her while she counts the stars and he wanted to count the freckles on her cute little nose and cheeks, he wanted to kiss her and ravish her to his heart's content. 

He knew what he wanted is not what he could have but simply spending time with her away from watching eyes, hiding from everyone sounded like heaven too. The thought of secret rendezvous excited him.

William was finely dressed and impatient waiting for his family to be on their way to the palace. He was accompanying Oliver and Hannah in their carriage. The air surrounding them was awkward and he wished to get out of there as soon as possible.

He jumped out of the carriage as it touched the palace ground. He waited for Oliver and Hannah to walk forward while he followed behind them at the appropriate distance to maintain the hierarchy. The ballroom was decorated beautifully as expected of the royals. Hannah would pause in the middle to marvel at the beauty while Oliver would look at her like no beauty can ever compare to her.  

His eyes didn't care about the decoration of the ballroom or the pure adoration of his brother for his wife which he had started to envy. His eyes were already on the lookout for her. It wasn't going to be easy to spot her. Every chance she gets away from her mother and mistress she will disappear on her own whimsical adventure and he wanted to be with her, share himself in her adventures. William wanted to go ahead and look for her but he was soon stopped by a couple of his colleagues. 

He was distracted. For the first time, he didn't want to speak out about politics and the parliament. He was getting edgy, his fingers tightly clasped in his hand, his expression showcasing the anger that he was starting to feel at the delay.

"My lord," He heard her, her voice raising goosebumps all over him. He could feel her presence exactly behind him but he stood like a stone statue unable to move.

"Lady Liverpool," Someone said,  "What brings you here?"

William's eyes focused ahead unblinking.

"Have you seen my father?" She said sweetly, "I seem to have lost him in the crowd. I remember you were at my father's side before."

"Oh, I think he might be around somewhere," The person continued, "How about a dance till your father makes an appearance, my lady?"

"I saw him walking towards the queen's rose garden," William said stoically without looking back at her.

She thanked everyone and walked away.

She had found him. She always seems to find him, a small smile made way on his lips. He soon excused himself and made his way to where he knew she would be. He hastily walked through the hallways towards the rose garden but his attention was caught by the thud that came from one of the doors.

He would have walked away straight if he didn't hear a woman's voice. He crept towards the door slowly, turning the knob ever so carefully and slipped inside. He made sure the door stayed open while walking toward the secluded area of the chamber.

He was horrified to find out his fiance, Lady Caldwell, in the arms of another man. Her eyes closed with ecstasy, her head thrown back. William knew he had to get away before the couple came back to their senses. And then a small warm hand was slipping into his and squeezed his palm ever so gently.

As he watched the woman he was supposed to marry in the arms of another man kissing he tried to summon any emotions to feel but all he felt was indifference but then this annoying woman who came following him, held his hand to give him comfort, everything in front of him blurred as he got lost in the feeling of her hands on his and the sensation that ran through his palms to the entire body. 

She pulled him away slowly, closing the door quietly and started running somewhere and at that moment he realized this is the woman he will happily and willingly follow all his life. That he will let this woman take him anywhere she wants.


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