Bruce smiled. " That's kind of them," he said. She nodded. " Should we open it? I'm so excited," she asked. He chuckled, " Sure," he replied. She quickly opened it and saw the white baby blanket with a purple bat on it. She couldn't contain her laughter. " That's adorable,"

" He's so dead," Bruce murmured but he was smiling as well.

When Skylar reached home she was exhausted. Bruce stayed at the Wayne Tower, he had some meetings and told her to go home. She quickly changed and then snuggled in front of the TV on the huge soft couch with a blanket around her. She opened up a random TV channel and started to watch the show on there.

Coincidentally, the episode was about a young girl becoming a mother and going through the hardships of having a newborn baby. Tears started to fall down on her face unintentionally as she watched the TV.

" Hey SJ! What's going on?" Dick entered the room, worry in his voice. " It's, it's, uhm, the show," she rambled, pointing to the TV and wiping her tears. " What about it?" he asked sitting next to her. " That girl just gave birth, and her age is close to mine. And she's having a hard time with her baby,"

" And, and, I can't help think what if it will be me? I'm in my early twenties, I didn't think I'd get pregnant before my late-twenties. I'm too young, what if I can't do it? I don't even know how to change a diaper! I don't want to be a shitty mother! What kind of mother doesn't know how to change a diaper?" she exclaimed.

Dick listened silently. " SJ, first of all, you're not that young, you're grandma, remember?" he said playfully, trying to lift her mood. She broke out a faint smile. " And you're not alone. There's Bruce, me and Alfred! He always brags about how he changed Bruce's diapers when he was a baby so we at least have one person in the house who allegedly knows how to do it. If not, I think we have enough money to hire a nanny to do those stuff, or at least teach you, "

Skylar chuckled at him. " Yeah, you're right," she murmured. " I guess I just got overwhelmed a bit," she continued. He smirked. " That's why I always say to be simply just whelmed, grandma," he replied and she laughed for real.

" Yeah, that's what I'm talking about," he said with a smile. " And for what it's worth, I think you'll be a great mom. You're already great with me, and let me tell you, teenagers. They are the real struggle. The baby will shit in his pants for like, what? Maximum three years? The rest is harder and you've been fine with me. I should know, I'm a teenager,"

Skylar rolled her eyes. " Yeah, a teenager who's too smart for his own good," she replied. He shrugged. " That's me, lady, and you are great with communicating with me, don't worry, it'll all be fine,"

She chuckled. " I was great, then was fine and then back to great? Which one is it?" she playfully asked. He smirked. " Awesome," he replied. She smiled. " I love you, kid," she said as she reached for a hug. " Love you too," Dick said.

They stayed like that for a while and then Dick continued to rest his upper body on Skylar's as she played with his hair. " Do you miss your parents?" Skylar felt the need to ask. She has never done that before and she normally never asked Dick about his parents, she only listened when he wanted to talk about them with her - which was rare.

He was playing with his fingers before he answered. " Everyday," he replied eventually. " I mean, how could I not?" he continued. He shrugged. " But I learned not to try to live in the past. They will always be my parents, and I love them, but I have a family now. Bruce, Alfred, you, the baby. My parents will always be a part of me but I need to live my life too, so I'm trying to do that,"

Skylar firmly pressed her lips together as he spoke. Her heart broke for the kid, really, he had been through something so terrible. " And you will always have us too, kid, family is forever," she replied. He nodded. " I know," he sighed. Then he suddenly grinned." Look, I told you that you were great!" he cheerfully said.

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