Chapter 6; Unravel the truth

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Disclaimer- Hey guys well it's my second chapter for the day!~ This is basically continuing from Winston trying to get the truth, Diaz possibly setting up Deputy Standall! And finding out what happens to the guns well from what I wanted to happen! Remember everyone suffers the consequences! Also Monty will be in the chapter for a brief flashback but will be back for the next chapter for sure But with that being said let's start  off with the chapter!

~Flashback in Winston's POV~
It was the week before Monty's arrest, I was home alone on Saturday night. As usual my parents were never home, They were frequently taking business trips out of town, It's not like I had anything against it or whatever, but it was the fact that I felt lonely on the weekends. 

It has been about a week or so since I've seen Monty, a week since Bryce died, a week since our latest hookup. It wasn't like I was complaining or anything, I actually felt sympathetic for Monty, I knew the rumors about Bryce, that he was a rapist, that it was so bad he cost a girl her own life. Even if he was that person still it's'his best friend, his brother who died' and he was still a human being who didn't deserved to be killed. I may not know how incredibly awful it is to lose someone that close to me but I couldn't help but feel worried for him, but I knew in my heart that it would be best to give him the space that he needed, I understood that much.

Then out of the blue I heard a vibrate sound on my phone, Monty's name appeared on the screen, immediately I clicked on it 

Monty: Can I come over? I need to get the fuck out of here, my dad is being worst than usual and I could use someone to talk to 

Winston: Of course man, I'll meet you outside.

Monty: Okay

A few minutes later as I sat on my deck I saw Monty pull in front of my house and as I saw him get out his hummer I expected the worse for some reason, I expected his grief to be raw emotional and full of anger but I was wrong, As he got closer to me, I noticed his features changed over time; His face wasn't bruised anymore, 'thank god for that' and his eyes looked puffy as if he's been crying. Desperately I found myself feeling depriving to say something but I was frozen, I couldn't speak even if I tried. 

Our silence was broken off when Monty finally spoke "I assume you heard about Bryce? He's fucking dead" his voice was heartbroken with every inch of vulnerable "y-yes I did.."  I couldn't bring myself to say the words 'I'm sorry for your loss' I just couldn't. "Yeah, and now everyone seems to want to point their fingers at me, saying I killed him.. why the fuck would I want him dead.. he was my best friend! my fucking brother! I mean I was fucking angry at him for abandoning me the way he did but I still loved him, he was the one person who always had my back and took care of me when my father would get really awful when he was drunk, he always took me in, with open arms when I gave him no reason to and now he's gone, he's fucking gone." 

I watched his eyebrows furrow as he swallowed the tightened lump in his throat, tears started to fall down his face as I finally spoke "I-Is there anything I can do?" Monty's eyes locked with mine as he slowly nodded his head "Can y-you just hold me?" I was caught off guard by his words but I did as what he just had requested, I wrapped my arms around him, I felt him stiffen a little but end up relaxing as he broke down in tears as I whispered 'it's okay.. you're alright..' over and over a couple times, I then met eyes with Monty as our lips were mere inches away and astonished Monty pressed his lips on mine, deepening a passionate kiss between us, It wasn't rough like the last time, It was actually slow and rather tender. He then pulled away as he rested his head against mine as we stood together from what looked like hours and I wouldn't have had it any other way.

~Flashback Ends~

Sheriff Diaz's POV: Cautiously I exited the police department as I drove to an unknown location in Evergreen, exiting out of my car I approached the mysterious woman "There you are." Her face was covered from her hoodie and the dark of the night "I managed to find out who really killed Bryce" The woman removed her hood as her blonde curls rested at her neck "Tell me who killed my son"  Mrs. Walker said in a clear stern voice "It was a high school student named Alex Standall, with that being said, I have a plan as they say 'you scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours" 

"What do you oppose I do then?" 

"Keep a look out for anything that stands out, trust me Mrs. Walker, We will get him just be patient"

"Alright, I assure you I wont let you down." 

A smirk appeared behind my lips "and I'll take your word for it."

Normal POV; Pictures and Pictures of the guns from the river resurfaced on the walls of the Police Department as The guns were stashed below as they were being scanned for any finger prints, moments passed by as multiple officers watched afar as they printed two pictures and set them on the board, one labeling 'Clay Jensen' and 'Tyler Down'

A/N- CLIFFHANGER!~ I know I've been giving so much cliffhangers but I like leaving an edge and I low-key wanted this to happen but It never did! But that's why I love this fanfic so much~ I loved the closure with Monty and Winston, It was so sweet! But what's going to happen to Alex and his father? Stay Tuned for the next chapter!         


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