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⚠️ warning ⚠️
This imagine contains MAJOR spoilers for the movie 5 feet apart.

"Hurry up bitches!" I yell from the couch. "We're coming!" Ethan chuckles from down the hall.
I'm over at my best friends house. Ethan, Grayson, and i have a movie night every Friday. We each alternate choosing movies, and tonight was Ethan's turn.
I see both of them walk into the living room, Grayson holding a huge fuzzy blanket for all of us to share. The sit next to me, and Ethan picks up the remote up.
"So what are we watching tonight E-tee?" I ask.
"5 feet apart" he says spelling out the title into amazon.
I gasp. "Ethan Dolan is not choosing a scary movie? Are you sick or something?" I tease feeling his forehead for his nonexistent fever.
He chuckles and playfully pushes me. "No I'm not sick, it looked good!" He defends.
He finds the movie and plays it.
I then hear ethan saying something to Grayson in their secret language.  I pause the movie.
"Hey hey! What did i say about the secret language in front of me!" I say looking back and forth between them. They bust out in laughter.
"Guys!" I laugh trying to keep a stern face, and ultimately failing.
"Ok, ok we just made a bet that you'll be in tears by the end of the movie" ethan says between laughter. I gasp, placing my hand onto my chest acting offended.
"Fuck you! I will not be in tears!" I say dramatically.
"Bullshit! Remember when we watched love, actually! And that time we watched the edge of seventeen!" Ethan says.
"Oh and that time we watched my girl. Oh and the fault in our stars!" Grayson laughs harder.
Ok ill admit, I'm kind of known to cry during movies.
"Well I definitely will NOT cry this time!" I say giggling
"We'll see" ethan says unpausing the movie.

We're half way into the movie, and Stella's best friend, Poe just died.
Tears were brimming my eyes, and i tried to hide my face. "Hey are you crying!" Grayson says moving the blanket. I quickly blink away the tears, and clear my throat.
"Nope. Not at all" i quickly say.
They both look at each other.
"Okay" ethan says, and we get back to the movie. 

It's now the last minutes of the movie, and I'm trying so hard to keep it together
"Could you close your eyes? I just don't know if i can walk away if your still looking at me"
Will says in the movie. Stella then closes her eyes and rivers are practically flowing out of my eyes. I couldn't take it. Stella opens her eyes, and wills gone.
The movie ends and now oceans are coming out of my eyes.
Ethan turns the lamp on, and looks at me.
"AHH YOU BITCH" he laughs. Grayson snaps his head towards me, and notices me crying. They both start howling in laughter. I fall onto the couch on my back, and cry harder.
"Fuck you guys! SHE CLOSED HER FUCKING EYES" i yell. They laugh harder.
"Hey, y/n its ok i almost cried" Grayson says sitting down again. "Same" ethan agrees.
They both hug me and i laugh.
"Hey, y/n" ethan asks.
"Yeah Ethan?" I reply
"Can you close your eyes?" Ethan quoted from the movie
"FUCK YOU" I laugh even harder.
What would i do without these assholes?
"I love you guys" i laugh through tears. They hug me tighter
"We love you more"

Word count: 577

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