chapter 3

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Harry only needed to wait 2 minutes before the grand front doors open.  Standing in front of them was a old looking man who had gray hair. he was wearing  a butler uniform and even though he was old, he looked scary to harry and Dudley. Vernon looks at the old man confused "your not bruce Wayne".Alfred looks at him, his face showing no emotion but harry could tell Alfred looked disgusted by Vernon. "No I'm not mr wayne. I'm his butler, Alfred Pennyworth. Now please may I know why you are here?" Alfred said in  a monotone voice.   Dudley stands closer to patunia feeling scared of the old butler.

"We are here to give Mr Wayne his Son and get some money in return for watch his freak of a Son for  15 years" Vernon said almost growling when mentioning Harry.  Harry flinched at being called freak, which Alfred  noticed.

It was at that moment alone Alfred wasn't going to let them leave with Harry even if Harry is found out to not be Bruce's son. 

"please wait here. While I go get Master Bruce from his office" alfred said so no emotions or his thoughts through his voice. patunia nods.  Alfred walks off to find Bruce Wayne. 

They wasn't waiting outside for long as Bruce and Alfred came to the door a couple of minutes later.  "are you bruce wayne?" Patunia asked Bruce  Bruce looks at them, Harry little longer then the others before turning to patunia "Yes I am.  Alfred Told me you believe that you have my son. but I assure you i only have 1 blood son and 3 adoptive sons and they are all at school. So what do you mean?" 

"That freak" Vernon said pointing to Harry "is your Son.  You spent a week with my freakish sister in law, Lily potter nee  Evans, in 1979 and got her pregnant. He is a result of that".  Bruce eyes narrow when Vernon calls the kid a freak. "Do you have any proof of this?" Bruce says sternly even though he does remember a Lily potter nee Evan's. Harry slowly got the diary out of his pocket and nervously passes it to Bruce. "it's my mothers diary sir" harry said to him quietly.   

Bruce puts the diary in his pocket to read in a bit before saying "I mean a Blood test. Diary's can be forged.".  Harry sighs knowing they don't have one.  "no we don't. But he will happy take one" petunia says.  Bruce nods before turning to Alfred "Please can you call leslie and tell her to bring a blood test machine and a palturaty test" 
Alfred nods before walking off to the phone.

Bruce turns back to the Dursleys and Harry "please follow me. I'll take you to the  Tea room while we wait for leslie". They nod and follow Bruce to the tea room.

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