chapter 20 .

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"YOU MUST BE A REAL SICKO IF YOU LET A CHILD GO THROUGH ALL THAT.  WHY WOULD ANYONE LET YOU BE A HEADMASTER!!!" jason shouts pointing his gun at Dumbledore. Damian grabs his Katana.

"its was for the greater good. Harry knew what he had to do and Cedric sacrificed himself for the greater good. We are in a war. there has to be sacrifices" Dumbledore said like he didn't care that millions of people are dying every day because of bc a wizarding war.  There was a loud click as Jason took the saftly off of his gun. the professors don't even flinch at sound. However McGonagall did stand infront of Dumbledore in a protective stand.

"get out of the way old lady.  I need to kill that motherf*cker.   He hurt my brother!" Jason shouts ready to shut through McGonagall to get to Dumbledore "or I'll shot you to".  Tim and Bruce didn't even try and stop him like They normally do..

"don't call me a old lady and watch your language mr. Todd or I will fill our mouth with soap.  I know professor Dumbledore deserves to die for what he has been doing but let's all calm down and think about this reasonably. " McGonagall said Calmly. the bat boys all looks at each having a silent conversation before Tim nods agreeing to hack every database and find everything out about Dumbledore.   Jason and Damian don't put their weapons down though.  "he is 5 seconds to leave or I'm killing him" Damian said and starts counting Down.


"why don't we all just calm down?"


"it was all for the greater good. "


"you will go to jail if you kill me"


That's when Dumbledore disapparated.


Jason and Tim put their weapons away ad McGonagall hands Bruce a letter "That is harry's Hogwarts letter. my address in there as well. send me ac letter if you have any questions..I better go now" she says before disapparting herself. Tim quickly gets his tablet out and starts hacking.

"Well its seems harry's a hero like us" Bruce said, thinking out loud "maybe we should show him the  cave"

~ Meanwhile in Harry's bed room ~

Dick was trying to distract Harry from having a panicking attack by taking about relationships. "So do look guys, girls or enbys or all? I like all but mainly boys" Dick said.  Harry was fidgeting nervously, still very panicky "i-i... I like guys" harry mumbled.. Dick smiles comforting at him and asked "do you like anyone? I won't tell anyone if you do". Harry goes to say something, then pauses to think and then hesitantly mumbled "yeah I do. he is the school bully though so we will never be able to get with him..   Do you like anyone?".. Dick nods slightly before  saying "yeah I do. I like my best friend, Wally.  But he and Artemis are dating and he is straight so we won't be able to get together"

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