A Unique Love Story

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One fine morn,

When the vehicles of two hearts collide.
Maybe destined. Perhaps coincidental.
A perfect conflict between power and principles
And an aggressive symphony of vehemence.

Another encounter and passion erupts into flames.
Of trepidation. Of temptations. Of intense resilience.
A heated conversation through the eyes:
Destiny had just validated its ubiquity.

Encounters and rencounters;
Confrontation of myriad emotions.
The thread of inevitable bonding vitalizing-
The chemistry of the two reactive elements.
Modifying the periodic table of the heart.
Sparks trigger the two souls time after time.
Something unknown. Yet so profound.

Confusion and uncertainty forms another knot
On the thread of connection,
Pulling them closer in the midst of all odds.
Physically separated yet spiritually fused.

Until turbid force of the unknown melts into realization;
As the two combatants turn into soul-victims.
Victims of love. Victims of destined prophecy.
Emptiness of the other's absence remains fervent,
Until it becomes unendurable.
And the soulmates eventually find their route-

Into the other's thought and action and mind.
Into their heart and into their life.
The thread of love tangling the two,
Never to be separated again.

~Arnav and Khushi "Hamesha"
( Ek Dil Ek Jaan)

-The End-


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#Arshistan ❤

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