These Issues Bring Me To The Floor (AndLey)

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(**DISCLAIMER** In no way, shape or form is this real. This is pure fiction, as its stated in the category ''fan fiction" I do not own the charctors *Andy Biersack, Ashley Purdy, or any other person who shows up in this* I don't believe any of this to ever happen either. This story contains literature not suitable for all people. You have been warned.)

(Please excuse the spelling mistakes as well.)

Tap tap tap tap

The rapid tapping of my feet down the alley way seemed almost deafing, if you add the quick beats of my heart and the barks of dogs it almost was. My unhuman persuers yapped their loudest with their collar chains clicking, running after me like cheetahs to a billygoat. I brushed the hair out of my face and sped up, unsure about how much longer I could take this. Damn police dogs are so fast...but I was faster, I was stronger given the state I was in. They're not catching me again.

I jumped the fence and climbed up the wires, my feet just narrow enough to fit in the diamond shaped holes it provided. The barbwire atop of it caused my shirt to rip, leaving evidance of my escape. I felt myself panis for a second before jumping the 9 foor fall, landing hard on my feet. Ignoring the pain I darted down the rest of the back street and turned the corner, just in time to see the dumb-asses hit the fence running. Good dog I thought.

I pulled out my crached Iphone and checked the time. 1 o'clock AM on the nose. Great, Ashleys probably not going to be happy with this.

I entered the worn down building through the back entrance, climbed the stairway made entirely of concrete and metal up 5 floors to the apartment I shared with my boyfriend, Ashley. He may have a girl name but was all male, aside from the bisexual part. His muscla arms were covered in tattoos down to his wrists, plus a tattoo that stretches across his diaphragm that reads "OUTLAW". He also had long hair and wore alot of eyeliner, but if anyone tried to mess with him they regret it right away. Sometimes even I get scared of him.

I unlocked the door quietly and stepped inside, keeping the handle turned until I closed it. I slowly took off my torn shirt and slipped off my boots. My plans to be quiet were quickly shattered by the light behind me flicking on.

"You're home late, Andrew." Ashley piped, crossing his arms.

I sighed and ran my hand through my hair. "The dogs chased me again, gimmie a break." I gumbled.

"Well they gotta damn good reason to, smartass thats why I stay inside." he said. 

"Then how the hell am I supposed to get the stuff?" I demanded. "Speaking of, asswhipe, I got this." I reached into my jean pocket and threw down two bags: One a small ziplock bag with three white crystals, the other a tiny bag tied shut and full of closed needles filled with liquid. "Thats why the dogs got on me."

He glared at he bags then back at me. "You're the twerker, not me. I shouldn't be glad."

"I was telling you why I was out." I replied, picking up baggies. 

"Just get to bed, you haven't slept in 3 days." he said, his face softening. "I get cold."

I sighed, tilting my head to look out the window for a second before looking back at him. "You know its hard to sleep." I said. "Its hard to do..anything really, like what I used to."

"All you do is this horrible stuff to yourself, just because of this fucking addiction you picked up somethere." he said. "All you do is meth."

I looked guiltily at the floor, seeing my bruised arm in my periferal vision. "All I do is meth."

These Issues Bring Me To The Floor (AndLey)Where stories live. Discover now