Finish Last

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Chan hauled her to a random room with only a table and some turned over chairs. This was a makeshift business, all fake and built out of lies. It served no purpose other than to be a hub of rare art forms in order to reel in one of the most notorious art theft criminals. But this room? It was real enough. No cameras to watch them. No video evidence to show what he was about to do to her. He threw her in and locked the door behind him. She yelped as she dropped to the floor. Her hands still bound. Sarah was chewing her bottom lip and looked up at the bounty hunter whose personality flipped like a light switch. It was darker. Sinister and--
"I bet you like that I'm rough, don't you?" He spoke slowly. Sarah laughed and turned her nose up at him.
"The hell I do." Suddenly she was yanked up, one strong hand holding her chin and the other hand pushing her pelvis so she'd stumble backwards and fall into the wall. Chan removed the handcuffs and put them away. Then he harshly ripped off her mask and tossed it. She no longer needed it, seeing as how he already knew who she was.
"Don't lie to me. Admit it." He growled into her ear while he toyed with the zipper of her red bodysuit. Her heartbeat quickened. Red locks of hair had fallen beautifully in front of her face. She was made to look at him. With his intimidating eyes and overwhelming ability to overtake someone with one word or one action. He could tell he made her nervous. That he drove her wild. was the same for him. Sarah looked into his brown eyes, unphased by the large hand grasping her jaw. "No." She lied.
He stepped closer, getting in her face and slipping himself between her legs.
"I know you love it. Now say it. I want you to say it." He growled loudly. She couldn't take it anymore. She was losing herself. She gulped and parted her lips. "I...I love it when you're rough." She replied confidently. Chan smirked.
"Good girl." He breathed out and gently brushed her hair aside. "Now-" He leaned in and kissed her jaw. She closed her eyes, frozen in her spot. Like her body locked up and shut down. Sarah could not see him, but she could hear his gravelly voice surround her. "What was that about nice guys finish last?"
Her eyes flew open, her hands clench into fists. "I...I was just-"
"Joking?" He cut into her sentence. Then clicked his tongue. "No no. I will show you who will finish last, my dear." Chan was now falling deep into his darkened persona. A rare side of him he rarely lets anyone see. A more feral part of him buried within that is unleashed and set free when he is provoked enough.
Sarah's eyes bulged, and she tried to move but Chan roughly pressed her into the wall. She yelped and refocused her eyes back on his.
" going to break you." He harshly whispered. A dark sexual aura consumes him as his demeanor changes. Sarah cowered in fear, frightful of what the previous bumbling, useless, & slow bounty hunter has now turned into.
"P-please, I'm sorry." She whimpered. Chan stuck a finger on her lips and shook his head. He was disappointed and his eyes told a fiercer story.
"Too late for that." He roughly unzipped her suit, revealing a black lacey bra underneath. She shivered as the touch of the cool air touched her skin. He leaned in so his mouth was to her ear.
"You will be my own personal play thing." He unzipped it more, revealing her fit stomach. A definite turn on for him. Sarah tried to close her eyes, but Chan wouldn't let her. "Don't you dare close your eyes! Look at me." He ordered. She did what she was told as if she were being controlled.

"Y-yes sir." She whined.

"Using your manners now I see?" He lifted a brow. "What horrid timing." He swiftly yanked the rest of her bodysuit down, revealing the rest of her. She wore lacey red lingerie to matchthe bra. He then snatched her hair before Sarah could have a chance to fight it and he bent her over the table. She grumbled and squirmed. "N-no, please I-"
"It isn't about you, anymore." He whispered into her ear, giving her goosebumps. She moaned lightly and pressed her legs together. He forced her legs open and yanked off her underwear. "You keep fighting it and it will be worse for you. I know you love this sort of thing. You've always got off on screwing me over in the past. Making me go on wild goose chases. Yet when you are dealt a similar hand, you turn your nose up at it?" He snarled loudly and roughly smacked her round ass. She yelped out and gripped the table.

"Finish Last" Bang Chan [Smut]Where stories live. Discover now