Chapter 21: Mistake

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Ross' POV

I barely remember what happened last night, but when I woke up I was next to Mandy, in her bed. Oh no, we couldn't have- no we didn't, did we? I can't remember anything that happened after Laur ran away. I feel like such an ass, I should of ran after her but instead I did something with Mandy that I don't even remember.

"Rossy" Mandy moaned and turned over and faced me with her hand on my bare chest.

Okay this is a little awkward"Hey Mandy."

"Morning" she smiled looking up at me in my eyes "Last night was so much fun."

Yeah we probably did something, I'm guessing "Speaking of last night, uh what did we do."

"So much" she replied looking me dead in the eye "Uhh like what?" I asked.

"You don't remember?" I just shook my head "Well, you were amazing, you've probably had a lot of practice" she traced my abs up and down.

"Did we?" she nodded.

"Shit, uh I have to go" "Why so soon" she said sexily "I have family plans" I smiled and got out of bed putting my cloths on.

"Oh yeah Ross, here's my number. You should really call me" she handed me a little piece of paper with numbers on it.

"Will do. Bye Mandy" I said making my way to the door "Wait, Ross" she pulled me back by my sleeve, and pressed her lips to mine. Again I felt that spark.

"Bye" she whispered in my ear then bit it a little "Bye Mandy" I said kinda mesmerized.

Then I set out to find my Laur.

Ugh why does the decision have to be so hard. I like Mandy, but I love Laura. I feel sparks when Laur and I kiss, but when Mandy and I kiss it's like fireworks on the Fourth of July.

So I love a girl who I just feel sparks with, and I like a girl who I feel fireworks go off everywhere with. I'm so confused right now.

I'll think about that later I just have to find Laura right now.

I went to the first place I thought she would be, her house obviously.

Her car was parked in the driveway, which gave me a little faith that I would find her so I could explain everything. I don't even know what I should say if I do get to talk to her. Should I tell her is was a mistake, or should I tell her what I feel when I'm with Mandy. Or tell her that I love her?.

I ran right up to the front door and knocked loudly. The door opened but it wasn't Laura. The door quickly shut right in my face. I knocked again and heard her father talking inside I could only make out a little but I think I heard him say 'Open that door right back up and invite him in, and apologize'. Vanessa opened the door up again and said "I'm sorry for closing the door in your face, Ross."

"It's fine, I would do the same thing if I were you" She opened the door and moved out of the way and gestured me to come in "Thank you" I said shoving my hands in my pockets

"Hello Ross" Laura father, Damiano, said

"Hi Sir" I replied "Is uh Laura here?" I asked "Yes, she's in her room, you may go up" he said

"Thank you Sir" I said walking up the steps nervously. What am I gonna say to her, God, maybe I shouldn't of even come. I mean it's not to late to run down and out. No! c'mon Ross, you gotta have the balls to go and talk to her, just tell her the truth. Oh who am I kidding, I can't do this, I'm a nervous wreck right now

I made it to her room, and quietly knocked

"Vanessa I already *sniffle* told you I'm *sniffle* fine, okay *another sniffle*" she must be crying "Laur? May I please come in?"

I just heard her jump off of her bed and run to her door and slightly open it "Ross?" She looked shocked to see me

"Hey" I said

Hey sorry it's short :(

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