"Nice! Would be a bummer if the ice wasn't thick enough," Jeongguk chuckles as he gets back to me. I laugh at that and nod.

    We sit down on the blanket and put on the skates. After, he helps me up, reaching out his hand to me. Still holding his hand we carefully walk the last part toward the lake.

    I had to be honest, I'm pretty nervous. I've never done this before and I'm scared I'll make a fool of myself. But I trust Jeongguk will help me.

    "I'll go on first and then I help you," Jeongguk says and lets go of my hand, sadly. He steps onto the ice and again checks if everything is alright.

    He then turns to me and holds out his hand. "Come on!" he smiles. I smile back, biting my lip nervously as I take his hand and carefully place one of my feet onto the ice.

    I immediately feel how slippery it is and I felt a little scared to move my other foot. But then Jeongguk's free hand moves to my waist. There he holds me gently yet firmly.

    "I've got you," he says softly. I look up at him to see him smile. I smile back and take a deep breath before finally taking the last step forward.

    My free hand automatically grabs Jeongguk's bicep as I had not yet found my balance. I hear Jeongguk laugh as he helps me and blush slightly.

    "It's not funny," I whine but can't help and smile as I look at him.

    "Come on, Flower. You're doing great," he grins happily and detaches his hand from my waist just to circle his arm around it. He now stands next to me, still holding me so I won't fall.

    "Just move your legs forwards," Jeongguk instructs me and I do so. It all happens a little stiffly and very unbalanced but at some point, I get the hang of it.

    "It's actually quite fun," I smile as I'm now only holding 1 of Jeongguk's hands and we skate over the crystal lake.

    "Isn't it?" Jeongguk agrees and helps me turn around.

    I only fell two times. One of the times, Jeongguk tried to catch me and fell with me. But neither of us cared as we had an amazing time. I've never laughed this hard.

    I also was amazed by Jeongguk's strength and reflexes. He'd sometimes notice I'm about to fall even before I did. And being able to catch me takes some strength. I'm not really heavy but definitely not light-weighted.

    Maybe Yoongi is right. Jeongguk does give me this sense of safety. The way he helped me on the ice and would try his hardest to make sure I wouldn't fall and hurt myself shows that.

    "Hope you liked the surprise," Jeongguk says as he sits next to me and starts putting on his shoes.

    "I loved it!" I smile and lift my knees in order to get some warmth. It's so cold, it makes me shiver. How is Jeongguk not complaining? He must be cold as well.

    "Are you cold?" Jeongguk asks with a worried frown.

    "Aren't you?" I giggle in response.

    "I don't get cold quickly, luckily," Jeongguk admits and looks away.

    "But it's freezing... I wish I didn't get cold," I say and scoot a little closer. I just want to get closer to him. I can't help myself.

    Luckily, he doesn't seem to mind. He grins as he looks at me, definitely noticing how I moved his way and puts his arm around me. I blush but do not complain. No, far from that. I just sink into his warm arms.

    He feels so warm, heat beaming off his skin. I don't understand how that's possible but I'm thankful for it as I felt like I'd freeze to death and his warmth makes those thoughts fade a little.

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