Chapter 10

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Chapter 10 people!

Let's see what will happen now.

Warning mention of death, sadness, and with a bit of...hotness. I apologize in advanced if it sounds cringy and such.

Error speaking.

Chapter 10

"Do you understand what I'm asking from you Miss. Black." An older gentlemen sitting down at a small round table. He was very pale with his black hair slide back. Pale gray eyes staring at the young woman. A suit case right on the ground by his feet while a few of the folders lay on the table.

"What it sounds like you just want to go through my personal life." Spirit arm crossed and staring across the man. In her casual clothes a t-shirt and jeans since it was her day off. Said day off being interrupted and now regretting letting this man when he began asking questions. Almost didn't allow him in till she saw the badge.

"I know it may sound like it but this really important."

"Sure important."

Lean back against the chair. "You been a security guard for 3 years is that correct."

"Yes, sir."

"You do a fine well job."

"I have to make sure." Not just her safety but her co-workers. Along with the ones in the cells to not hurt one another, her co-workers, or even herself.

"Now I scene your records. Before that you were accepted in the police academy with quite a few good grades." Lean back. "So, how one does became a rising police cadet to prison guard of a holding cell to problematic beings. "

"It's all in there." Eyes narrow at him and back her old transfer report.

"But I like to hear it from you."

"Hear it from me." Pick up her coffee and took huge gulp. "What will that solve?"

"As much as paper work is useful hearing from a personal source, at least when their alive, make the situation. Better to understand. Especially in this case with this strange occurrence."

"If I wanted to go to therapist I would gone to the ones I see come by at work."

"Miss Black you have to understand the reason."

"The reason? How about it just a rare coincidence. How about it's possible they could have been related? Or that they are not related at all."

"But he was an orphan."

"I'm not saying it's possible or not. But what your suggesting is ridiculous."

"But they look alike."

"They may look alike but there is difference. Small difference and how they act."

"So, you didn't think it was possible."

"I was too busy making sure no crowd would cause the skeleton panic attack to worsen. After that I held it back in till it was over, cried back home and had to remind myself it wasn't him. But someone else." Eyes down a bit at the table.

"This world is full of surprises and wonder. It could be possible- "

Slam her coffee mug on the table.

"I scene enough shit from the place that I work. Yes, there are ghost monsters. There are questionable supernatural beings and the things they done. There are monsters who need a reality check. There are humans that are sick and horrible. There are people who are just insane in the head." Look at him dead straight in his eyes.

~The Puppetmaster~(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now