Chapter 8

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Here you go folks! Chapter 8

There will be some part I explained in the chapter with the best of my ability and not going to go all scientific and all that. Only because to much wording, my brain gets brain hurt if it too complicated plus its Error who answering it the best he can.

Not much news yet well besides helping out a buddy with their stories, finishing up some work, and possible soon be posting a new story/short story called "Disguise Puppet". Yes, with Error. Keep an eye out on that one. 

Like to thank @1234567aph again for the help.

Now enjoy the story.

Error Speaking

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Chapter 8

After last week fiasco with the Puppet maker meet up Error swear a few of these pasta are losing their minds. Jeff barely leaves him along unless he snaps, ready to strangle someone, Smiley wants as "walk" or fall asleep.

Toby staying close and giving him extra waffles. A few he swear that shouldn't be food base but eats it anyway. Along with carrying the cat headphones. Well those Error now keeps around his neck. They have their uses. 

EJ not as physically close but he swear he can feel the guy everywhere.

Or LJ will randomly appear out of know where. First, time that happen was when he was opening a cookie jar. He thrown it against Masky face and he wasn't please about that. But understood when he open the jar. Masky threw it against Jeff face. The two ran away when he chased them down with the jar. 

Jane and Clockwork will save him sometimes. Save aka let him have space unless too asked him questions. Oh and now Clockwork, Lulu and the little imps now wants Puppets of him! But he couldn't deny their faces especially when they do the looks.

Oh and don't get him started with Slenderman! He was the worse wanting to make sure he calls every hour. Well he didn't follow that "rule". It's amusing seeing the guy look frustrated. Got a thumbs up from Offenderman getting his brother his face red?

Some of them though aren't bad or go overboard. Ben an example. He was just chilled and told him not to worry too much. Or from the Painter since he and Liu did technically try to tell the others. Lulu was concerned but she didn't go crazy like the other like being near him all the time. Well expect that day with the questions she asked.

"Um Error may I asked you a few questions?'' Lulu asked. She and Error hanging out at Slenderman mansion and watching a video. It was series she was interested in watching and Error decided to watch it with her. It was just the two of them while the others outside and sleeping away. At least last time they checked.

"Asked away."

"Do skeleton have genders?"

He blinks and looks at her. "We do but at the same time we don't. If a skeleton prefers to go by male then they pick male. Or would go by female. Heck a male skeleton would look well like a male too you but they can formed a female body. Same with a female skeleton and later can form a male body. Every skeleton can do it but many prefer one over the other so they can be called he, she, and sometimes they since they just prefer that. "

"So, you have a female body?'' Tilt her head.

"Yes, and no. I rarely use my how you say female and male parts. Now I can form an ectoplasm body to show my female and male body." Snap his finger.

Lulu notice around his chest area seem to grow a bit. He had his jacket off and notice how the sweater also a bit bigger in certain areas.  But when she looked up she notice around his neck and bit of his hand a yellow-blue glowing skin of sorts.

~The Puppetmaster~(On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now