"That didn't work. I don't know what went wrong. I heard kitty ears were all the rage. I thought they were a perfect lovely item. What went wrong?" Tamaki questioned. How did he even know kitty ears were popular? Y'know what I don't wanna know.

"Be realistic. Putting kitty ears on him isn't going to affect how people see him. He still looks mean." Thank you specs!

"No kidding. That was pretty lame boss," Hikaru said.

"For real! If you're going to go that far..." Kaoru trailed off.

"You might as well go all the way and make him a kitty eared maid!" Both twins said, pouncing on Ritsu-kun with a maid uniform in toe. After getting it on him the fourth generation Kassanoda head looked even more annoyed and embarrassed. I, of course, am trying to contain my laughter. Horribly I might add. The twins snickering alongside me. I do feel bad for laughing at him though. I'll apologize later.

"Are you guys making fun of me?!" The neko maid yelled.

"No, no, it's really purrrfect!" I say, the twins' laughter growing alongside mine. We then hear the door open.

"Sorry to bother you, but is the young lord Kassanoda in here?" A man with a ponytail asked, fully opening the door. Getting a clear view of Ritsu. The neko maid frozen like a statue.

"So here you are," The man with the ponytail said, Ritsu slowly started to freak out. "Sir, it's no big deal. You can do whatever you like in your spare time."

"What?!" Ristu says, fully freaking out. "Do you think this is a hobby of mine?! Damn it! I can't take this anymore!" Ritsu then runs out of the host club, shredding the costume as he goes. I'm starting to think an image change isn't what the boy really needs. For demons looking scary and intimidating is a good thing. For humans though, ehh not so much. I think I know what he needs and I think Haruhi is catching on as well.

"Maybe an image change isn't really what Kassanova needs." Haruhi says, kneeling down by the kitty ears.

"I think you're right. I hope he realizes it soon though." I say, kneeling down next to her. "So, do you wanna go after him?"

"Yeah, but can you go with me? I'm not very good at this sort of thing."

"Sure" With that Haruhi and I are off in search of a once kitty eared maid.

We soon found him sitting on the steps by the rose garden? Maze? Thingy?

"Is that a sparrow?" Haruhi asks.

"Aww, he's so cute!" I chime in.

"Oh Haruhi, Kagome, what are you doing here?" Ritsu asked, confusion clear on his face.

"So what happened to him, your sparrow?" Haruhi asks, completely dodging the question. Then taking a seat on his left. I follow suit and take a seat on his right.

"I saw it fall from it's nest the other day. I could tell it was hurt so I took it to the vet. They said he'd be fine in no time." Kassanova said, answering her question.

"Aww" Me and Haruhi say in unison.

"So, uh, do you mind if I feed It?" Haru asks.

"Go ahead," Ritsu replied and Haruhi started to feed the bird.

"So, uh, Kassanoda?" I ask, getting his attention.


"I'm really sorry about laughing at you in the neko maid costume."

"Don't worry about it."

"So, friends, then?" You can tell he was taken aback by my question. I stuck out my hand for a shake.

He grasped it and replied, "Friends." With the biggest smile I have ever seen on his face. We release hands and not even two seconds later all of us here Mitsukuni yell, "Look out!" and kick a can of red paint off its course. The red paint splattered on Haruhi and the sparrow flew away.

"It flew away," Haruhi said.

"It flew away," Ritsu echoed.

"Haruhi, what happened?! That's not blood, is it?!" Tamaki yelled, appearing out of nowhere. The rest of the hosts, minus Mitsu and Taka, behind him.

"Would you calm down? It's just a little paint." Haruhi said, standing up and turning to face Tamaki.

"Hey are you sure you're alright, Fujioka?" Ritsu asked, standing up. Me doing so as well.


"Let go of me, you bastard!" "Damn it! You asshole!" Two people shouted. We all turned at the sound of the voices to see Takashi with his arms around two thugs necks.

"So, I see you've caught them," I say to Takashi. I receive a small nod in return.

"We've heard enough out of you. We'll shut you up!" The twins shout, running up to the men and tying them up. All while saying 'tie' over and over again.

"What the hell is going on here?" Kassanoda asks, still not understanding.

"Don't you get it? Takashi wasn't on anyone's bad side." I say to Ritsu.

"These guys were after you," Mitsukuni says, continuing for me. "Until we caught them, we decided not to say anything to you because we didn't want you to have to mess with them."

"I can't believe it. So you helped me? But how come?" Bossanova asks, astonished.

"We can tell who the bad guys are by looking at them." Takashi replies. Believe me he really can. You spend enough time in demon courts, you can see who the bad guys are just by glancing around.

"I should probably go back and change clothes," Haruhi says, breaking the silence.

"I'll go with you. I have an extra shirt in my bag. It'll stop you from having to put on that yellow monstorasty." I say, going up to Haruhi's side.

"Want us to come help you two?" Hikaru and Kaoru ask.

"Drop dead," Haruhi and I both say. Then we make our way to the club room.

"Now Haruhi," I say as we walk into the dreaded club room. "I don't think you'll want to wear my shirt."

"Why's that?" I go into my bag and pull out a light pastel pink, silk, bell-sleeve blouse. What? It was the only thing clean. "Yeah, I don't think I can wear that." She says, her face dropping.

"I know, I'm not a big fan of this blouse either. So why don't I put this crappy pink thing on and you put on my shirt and blazer. The one I'm wearing now. If you're anything like me, you'd do anything to get out of wearing that lemon blob dress."

"Yeah, lets go change," Haruhi said. Then we both go into the prep room to change. As Haruhi is pulling her camisole over her head and I'm in my bra and skirt, we hear the door open.

"Fujioka? Hey are you okay? I'm sorry about..." Then there was Ritsu standing in the doorway. A look of shock running over his features.

"Get the hell out of here!" I exclaim, crouching behind the table.

"G-get out!" Haruhi follows, using her shirt to cover her front. I hear a 'Ma' from Ritsu before the door slams shut. If I know anything, it's that there's gonna be one very pissed off inu daiyoukai waiting outside that door. 

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