And today we're going ice skating! I've always loved to ice skate. I find it relaxing and now I get alone time with Bash. Since I don't like being seen with him in the castle due to his reputation.

I quickly go to my chambers to pick up my coat and then make my way towards the stable. Spending time with Bash has made my heart go crazy. I thought I could hide my feelings for him but it's been hard. I have to or otherwise I'll get played like he does with the other girls.

"Glad you made it." Bash says as I enter the stables.

"You thought I would ghost you? You think very low of me then." I ask him as I noticed that he has changed his shirt to a fancier one.

Don't get me wrong, he looks handsome. He always looks handsome but this shirt makes him look more handsome because it matches with his eyes.

"If it makes you feel any better, I didn't ghost on you either." Bash states before I chuckle.

"Wow what a gentlemen."

"You're ready time to go, my lady?" Bash says while putting his hand in front of him so I can go and grab it.

"Well let me see, do we have everything?"

"I have everything done." Bash says after I take his hand to help me get on my horse.

I don't know why Bash continues to help me get on my horse when I know how to do it and don't need any help.

"Thank you." I say after I get on my horse and he then goes to get on his.

"Where is the ice rink?" I ask Bash since I want to race because I think I can win this time.

"You recall the lake we went swimming a couple of summers ago?" Bash asks before I nod.

"The one you almost drowned. Yes, I recall." I say before Bash rolls his eyes.

"Race you." I continue to say before my horse begins to run.

"Aurora, don't go alone!" I hear Bash yell after me as we are both currently racing towards the frozen lake.

"You don't want to lose!" I yell back as he is maybe like 20 feet behind but we both now he can go faster.

"It's dangerous to be by yourself." I hear him yell back before I slow down.

"I won, I'm just slowing down for you." I tell Bash as now we are side by side.

"If that pleases you then it will be."



"Why are you always trying to hang out with me when there are other people you can be with?" I ask him concerned.

Is he trying to play me like the other girls? Is this how he brings them in? Does he make them fall in love with him just to break their hearts?

"You're fun. I like spending time with you."


"We're almost there." Bash says trying to change the topic.

"Now can I race you?" I ask Bash before he chuckles.

"You're ready to lose?"

"I think that's going to be you." I say back before we both make our horses run to see who gets there first.

Bash and I always compete. I think it's a fun thing to do especially since Bash always win and I could help him get better. He doesn't need to get better since he's the best but I wouldn't mind trying to help him. Or just spend time with him.

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