14. Run, little plant

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An angel passed. Varian went from shock, hurt and disbelief to a dark and thinking face, gazing into the void. Camalia stood there, letting him digest the information, anxiously fidgetting with her hands, her eyes softly glowing.


The word was a whisper, but in the silence, Camalia heard it as loud as a scream. She looked up, and Varian was terrifying. He looked mad, his eyes piercing through her like daggers. He looked exactly like when he slammed on the cell's bars, talking to her like she was a threat, an ennemy.

-We said...

The boy talked slowly, threateningly, his gaze still locked on her.

-...no more secrets.

Camalia gulped, trying to get her thoughts in order. She leaned forward, trying to put impact in the words she was about to say.

-Varian, I-


The yell made the girl jerk back into the chair, echoing in the entire house, and probably overheard by the guards downstairs. But that wasn't what she was thinking about at the time. She was staring wide-eyed to her friend, enraged, now standing on the bed, his fists clunched, looking sinister and dangerous. The light behind him made him seems more dark, and his shadow was cast over Camalia, encompassing her and almost trapping her under his wrath.

-I don't care about your excuses.

His voice was low, aggressive.


As his voice rose again he closed his eyes shut, making an impressive effort to stay calm.

-You promised, he started again, that from now on, we would tell eachother the truth. We would tell eachother everything. You said you were my friend.

There was movement outside. And no matter how much Camalia wanted to clarify things with Varian, she couldn't afford to go back to jail. The boy laughed, sounding unstable and irrational. He didn't seem to hear or see anything but his rage... and Camalia.

-I can't BELIEVE I trusted you. I clung on you like an idiot, thinking you were some kind of-of savior, of help in the dark pit I was in. You LIED TO ME, Camalia ! And not just once ! You lied all the time, about everything, you... you used this kind of fog of forgiveness I was in, abusing it as you wished ! I am not taking it anymore, I'm tired of all of this.

The mage was only half-listenning. And as much as what she was hearing was making her heart ache, the sight of the guards entering the building sent a wave of fear into her core. If she went back to jail now, she was dead. And so was the entire kingdom. She looked around, trying to find a way out.

-You said you were a poor weak girl, unable to do any powerful magic when you are a music-mage.

Camalia stopped in the middle of the room. She had been pacing from a window to another, trying to figure out exactly how much time they had left before being discovered. But the mention of her- of the people got her full attention. She turned her eyes to the angry boy and it was cold and harsh.

-I am not. a music mage. Not like you think.

Varian had a disgusted look on his face but Camalia didn't even flinch.

-Liar. You lied like you always have. You are one of them, you told me so yourself. And you're stupid reaction of denial whenever anyone bring it up is probably to cover another lie.

The mage gaze fell as dark as Varian's, if not more.

-I don't care that we're friends, no one talk about them like that. I've seen, read more like, my people being treated like pests, eliminated as such, and all you can find about them is a few lines in a book saying we were weird and we died. I don't know anything about them, Varian. Because your people's books didn't give a shit about it.

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