" You're already ready to go? Goodness, you're so prepared today, Molly. " he addressed her affectionately, buckling his leather satchel tightly. He swung it up onto one of his shoulders, and stood in a proper way. Molly laughed cheerily, shrugging after putting her backpack on.
" What can I say? I'm just glad to be finally getting out of this fiery hellhole. Plus, Richard's gonna order Vietnamese food for supper tonight. " she explained, smiling widely. He chuckled again, pushing his glasses further up the bridge of his nose.
" I suppose so. But I do agree, that it is hot. Should we go? " he asked her, extending out one of his skinny arms to her. Grinning, she nodded and took his arm. Pulling her close, the two of them sauntered towards the door.

But just as they were about to exit the room, a cruel female voice screeched from behind them:
" Ooh, there goes the nerd and his autistic freak of a girlfriend! Off to one of their lousy children's board game nights or to their slum of an apartment! " the redhead girl laughed, but Molly and Christian continued walking. She gritted her teeth, blushing profusely in embarrassment. He sensed her discomfort, and he wrapped his arm softly around her waist. When she looked up at him from the floor, he had a reassuring expression on his handsome face.

As soon as they were out of earshot and away from the classroom, he said:

" Ignore her. Just remember where it's coming from. " his voice was brimming with compassion and love, but she picked up on the undertones of anger. And she didn't blame him whatsoever.
" I know, I know, Flake. Rachelle's a jealous and depressed victim, who degrades others to feel good about herself. But I'm still annoyed by her comments. " she replied, calling him by his nickname. It made him crack a smile, and he nodded approvingly at her.
" I never said you weren't allowed to be upset by them. It's only natural for people to take things personally, especially snarky comments like that. Just don't let them get to you, more than needed. " her green eyes shimmered, and she exhaled in a mellow way.

" I'll take that advice, Dad. " she teased playfully, and he laughed. Reaching over, he pinched her cheek lightheartedly. Pretending to wince in pain, she let out one of her contagious high-pitched guffaws. It made his heart leap in happiness, and he laughed along with her. The two of them weaved their way expertly through the gathering crowds of teenagers that reeked of sweat. It was not a pleasant smell to either of them, and she couldn't help but gag slightly. Still, they pressed on. After Christian had collected his other textbooks from his locker, he and Molly had held hands and made a run for it. The soles of his dress shoes and her Converse sneakers pattered against the linoleum flooring, as they ran down the hallway. But as they both dashed by the math classroom, the tall boy with spiky dark hair from her drawing walked out of the room. She skidded to a halt, pulling Christian back a foot or two. Stumbling bemusedly, he saw the familiar boy. He then understood why Molly had stopped, and stood back up normally. The boy gave a smirk, showing off his sharp and pearly white teeth. He was an intimidating young man, muscular and hazel-eyed. Dressed in a black muscle shirt and tight leather pants, the two of them saw that he was sweating buckets. Brushing his hair away from his eyes, he sighed in relief at seeing his friends. But he looked concerned, stepping out of the door and leaning against a locker. He crossed his burly arms, and blew another lock of hair out of his face.

" Happy to see some faces I know and like. But what in God's name are you running from? Mal and his gang? Rachelle and Trisha? " his voice was husky and deep, frightening to most people he spoke to. However, Molly and Christian knew him closely—and weren't afraid. Christian shook his head, curling his lip in disgust.
" Not exactly, Till. Rachelle shot some comments at Molly, but that was pretty much it. The smell is just so atrocious, that's all. What are you doing here? I thought your classes ended at two? " he inquired the boy named Till, who nodded.

" There was a test today, so I had to stay longer. But thanks to Firecracker's help on Wednesday with studying, I'm sure I aced it. I'm sorry that wench is picking on you again, babe. " he switched his attention to the brunette, after calling her by her nickname. She shook her head, and smiling gratefully.
" Ah, it's fine, thank you, Till. I'm just glad to have people who actually like me for who I am as friends. " she responded in a voice filled with delight, earning a shared smile from both Till and Christian. The dark-haired boy outstretched his strong arms, gesturing for her to give him a hug. Without hesitation, she trotted up to him and tackled him against the locker. He laughed, the deep booming sound filling her ears. His chest rumbled, causing pleasant sensations on her cheek. She breathed in his familiar musk of raunchy cologne and cigarettes. It was a scent that could bring her tranquility and peace to her any time, including now. A moment later, he released her from his grasp and smirked cockily. He pointed to his lips with one ring-clad finger, narrowing his eyes.

The List//A Rammstein FanficWhere stories live. Discover now