Chapter One

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The teenaged brunette girl sat at her small desk, leaning forward on it with her arm. Her hand—which had elaborate henna designs painted on it—was pressed against her chin, as she wore an expression of boredom. She chewed her bubblegum, staring disinterestedly at the whiteboard in the front of the classroom. A middle-aged man with a cheap toupee was explaining cellular reproduction to the class of twenty sweaty teenagers, trying to ignore the uncomfortable heat. The air conditioning in the school had broken down earlier that morning, which had been the only defence against the sweltering heat outside. High temperatures like this were very uncommon in Berlin, and people were at a loss to explain why the weather was suddenly so warm. There were many different theories floating around, but none received a concrete and definitive answer. All that the girl knew was that she was overheating. And that she knew the key elements of cellular reproduction, because she had to help her friend study for his junior year biology test the day before. She wasn't even bothering to take extensive notes—which was unlike her. However, a good friend of hers was furiously copying down everything being said. He was sitting next to her, on her right side. Bullets of crystal clear sweat trickled down his forehead, fogging up his square-frame glasses slightly. She assumed that he was burning up in his shabby brown suit, but his face was twisted in determination. With nothing else to do, she turned her head to look at him out of the corner of one of her piercing green eyes.

His name was Christian Lorenz, a sophomore. With his glasses and suit, he looked like a typical high school nerd. Though he had interests that were common to that stereotype, she found him to be one of the most compelling people she had ever met. Christian was a shy, reserved, and educated young man towards everyone outside of her friend circle. Around his loved ones though, he was funny, outgoing, and caring. She always felt safe to be herself around him, like he did with her and their other friends. Giggling to herself, her heart skipped a beat as she saw him stick out his tongue in concentration. He heard her, and paused for a moment to look up at her. Raising a brow, she knew he was wanting to know what made her laugh. She waved a hand dismissively at him, gesturing that it was nothing. He nodded, returning to his task of note-taking. Luckily, nobody else had heard her small laugh. She glanced quickly at a beautiful redhead girl sitting across the room, who was writing in her science journal. Her posture was haughty and dignified, and she flipped her shiny and long red hair behind her without a word. But the girl could sense the corrupted pride in the gesture, and it made her scowl. She was getting agitated by just the sight of her, clenching her jaw in anger. But she knew that there was no point in becoming upset, and peeled her gaze away from the redhead. She looked down at the sheet of lined paper on her desk, that was covered in complicated sketches of her best friends. Smiling, she stared gently at her drawing of an edgy rocker boy. Her hand had effortlessly drawn his bold and sexy features, that looked so real to her. It was as if his thin lips were waiting for the kiss they always greeted each other with, and it made her heart start to race in joy. Biology class was nearly finished, and then school would be over for the day. Along with Christian, she'd be meeting up with him and their other friends. Halfheartedly, she peeked over at the fancy watch on Christian's wrist—to see that it there was less than five minutes less until the bell was supposed to ring. It brought her relief and satisfaction to know that she'd be reunited with her friends in a few minutes. She picked up the piece of paper, and folded it neatly in the middle. She put it in the front pocket of her hooded and urban style leather jacket, patting it as if it was a precious relic. It didn't take her long to pack the rest of her things up. Sliding her MacBook laptop and thick biology textbook into her pin-covered iridescent backpack, she zipped it close just as the bell went off. The teacher quickly reminded the class on what their homework was, and then strode away from the whiteboard. Rising to her feet excitedly, she heard a sigh of relaxation from Christian. Closing his notebook, he chuckled happily at her.

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