ditched date

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Soo here is my second one shot! I hope you like it.

*Luke's POV*

'NO no no! Not again!' Why am I always late? I run around my room and look for my left earring but can't find it. When I finally found the earring I have 6 minutes left and then I have to leave for my date. You see I found this website and there I met a really nice guy. I talked to him a lot the last few days and now we're finally going to meet. 

I run to my car and race to the restaurant. When I arrive I'm 2 minutes early so I go to the waiter and ask for my table.

'welcome, can I help you with something?' asks the waiter. 

'Yes, I have a reservation under the name Hemmings.' I tell him.

'Okey! Follow me' answers the waiter.

I follow the waiter and sit at the table. 'Would you like something to drink?' he asks me. 

'No thank you I'm waiting for someone.' I tell him.

'Okey, if you need something, just ask' I nod and he walks away. 

I'm waiting for Calum, but he takes his time. I'm waiting here for 15 minutes and he's still not here. I send Calum a text, but he doesn't answer. After 30 minutes I begin to get really impatient and send him another text. 

I wait and wait, but Calum is still not here. After an hour I give up and am ready to leave. When I begin to stand up I feel my phone vibrate. I look at my phone and see I have a text from Calum. I quickly open the text and read it:

Sorry I'm not there. Something came up and I couldn't make it. Maybe we can meet another time. Calum

SERIOUS?! He's an hour late and he send me a text now? Why now and not an hour ago? 

'I'm sorry to bother you, but are you okey?' the waiter asks. I look up and see the same waiter who showed me the table and he's VERY good looking. 

'Yes I'm okey. My date just ditched me and now I'm sitting here just doing nothing.'  I answer him.

'Why would someone ditch someone as handsome as you?' asks the waiter. I blush and don't know what to say to him so I just shrug my shoulders. The waiter nods and walks away. I look at him with a questioning face when he walks away. Why would he say something like that to a stranger?

A few minutes later and the waiter comes back with 2 coffees and 2 muffins. He sits at my table and put the coffees and muffins on the table. I watch him do all these things and have no idea what he's doing.

'What are you doing?' I ask the waiter.

'Well it's a waste if you dress so nicely and gave up time for a date who isn't coming, so I thought why don't take his place and be your date?' he asks me. I smile at him appreciatively and thank him.

'So now that our date starts. I'm Ashton what's your name?'

'I'm Luke, nice meeting you Ashton.'

For the rest of the night we talk, laugh and tell each other embarrassing stories. It's one of the best nights of my life and now that I think about it, I don't really mind that my date ditched me. I'm happy that I'm here with Ashton.

When the restaurant is about to close I grab my stuff and leave with Ashton. We walk to my house and have a good time. When we arrive at my house I turn around.

'It was nice meeting you Ashton. I had a great time!' I tell him.

'It was really nice meeting you to Luke. I hope I'll see you sometime.' het tells me.

I nod and look in his eyes. He has beautiful brown eyes and I can look in them forever. He looks in my eyes and I can see a small smile on his lips. My eyes slowly fall on his lips and I see his beautiful full red lips. When I look at his eyes again I see he's looking at my lips. we both move slowly forward and we kiss. It's a passionate kiss. The kiss becomes a little heated and we slowly pull apart. I look at his eyes but see that his eyes are still closed. When his eyes opens we both smile at each other and I give him a little kiss on the lips again.

'I hope to see you soon Luke' says Ashton. He walks away and I wave goodbye. That was definitely worth the wait for Calum. And if Calum texts me again I just say that he's too late.

too late.


 That was my second one shot. I hope you liked it!


xxx S

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